libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2023-08-20

rwpXenguy, If q3 were still here I would suggestion Control-Alt-F1 (or F3 or keep trying Fx keys) until getting a vt console and then hitting Control-Alt-Delete to tell init to trigger a shutdown reboot.00:45
rwpIt must be a vt console (mapped to the appropriate Fx key) which is not hosting the X session at the moment.00:46
Xenguyrwp, TIL00:46
XenguyHadn't heard of that method before00:47
XenguyDoes that work even if you're not root?00:47
rwpI flip between X and the vt consoles as needed.  And it is easy to need to reboot. :-)00:47
rwpYes.  Works if you are not root.  Because you have physical access to the vt console.  Can't be done remotely.00:48
XenguyMost interesting00:48
rwpSee /etc/inittab for "# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed." "ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now"00:48
XenguyIn my case, I've developed a strong habit and preference for having at least 1 root terminal, usually on F600:49
rwpIf X is screenlocked using a screen locker that prevents it then one cannot Cntl-Alt-Fx to switch away from the locked X session.00:49
rwpI wasn't arguing against the utility of always having a root session open.  When I start tmux/screen I always start a root window in there too.  For the same reasons I presume.00:50
Xenguy/etc/inittab is the same here, good to know00:50
rwpThere is also the Magic SysRq key sequence too.  (Which the systemd weenies disable, those buggers!)
rwpTo enable all SysRq features "echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq" then sync "echo s >/proc/sysrq-trigger" then boot "echo b >/proc/sysrq-trigger"00:53
rwpI have some, ahem, systemd systems that hang at shutdown and I open a root window and type in "sleep 200 && echo 1 >/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq && echo s >/proc/sysrq-trigger && echo b >/proc/sysrq-trigger" and if the shutdown hangs then the echo's activate the SysRq interface reboot which is in the kernel directly and avoids the systemd hang.00:55
critrjack doesn't seem to work in daedalus (or mx linux) unless i'm doinf something dumb.01:01
fsmithredXenguy, if you're in the habit of locking your screen when away from the computer, you should test to see if you can ctrl-alt-Fx to your root console while the desktop is locked. Last time I tried, it was still possible, but that was a few years ago.02:00
onefang__Alas my keyboard doesn't have a SysRq key.02:49
fsmithredmine says PrtSc (thinkpad)02:56
* golinux notes tha onefang has a tail03:00
rwpNote that by poking characters into /proc/sysrq-trigger as described there is no need for a keyboard key. :-)03:02
rwpWhile using picocom to an actual serial console recently (in the last month!) to a headless Pi system I note it is useful to use C-\ to send a break sequence on the serial line to initiate the SysRq sequence.03:08
Xenguyrwp, Was the hotkey inspired by screen?03:16
onefang__Ah coz my Internet fell over twice while I was sleeping.03:16
* onefang__ cuts off my tail.03:16
Xenguyfsmithred, Confirmed, I can lock my screen and then drop to a virtual console...  I think that's why I used to use 'vlock' to lock my PC at the console years ago, but it's been awhile since I bothered with that03:17
critris anyone successfully using jackd with daedalus?03:19
onefangNot yet, but I gotta waste time in RL finding a new home yet again before I can settle down and update to daedalus.  Working fine with chimaera.03:21
onefangJack 1 or 2?03:21
onefangThough right now I gotta go eat.03:21
rwpXenguy, The default prefix character the same as screen but other than that I don't know.03:22
rwpI always change the escape character for all of screen, tmux, picocom, all to C-z instead.  It's less in the way.03:22
rwppicocom -fn -ez -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB003:23
rwpAnd note that to exit "C-z C-x exits picocom" using that -ez escape prefix setting.03:23
Xenguyrwp, in screen, prefix-\ closes all windows, like :qa! in vi03:28
XenguyIt prompts for confirmation first though, which I prefer03:29
fsmithredcritr, jack is working in daedalus here. I just tried it.03:39
fsmithredusing qjackctl and audacity03:39
critrfsmithred: ok, thanks. i must be doing something wrong, then.03:41
fsmithredwhat are you doing?03:42
fsmithredfwiw I install qjackctl and audacity without recommends. Set audacity to use jackd. Un-check the box in qjackctl settings that says "Replace connection window with graph."03:43
critri'm trying to get something that uses jack to work. qjackctl gives me an error that jack isn't responding. qsynth, same. qtractor, same.03:43
fsmithredlook at the connection window and play something in audacity. Portaudio will show up.03:43
fsmithredI did not mess with any jack settings -took defaults.03:44
fsmithredand I'm doing this in qemu, so there's no real hardware.03:44
fsmithredI also allowed realtime to jack when it was installed03:44
critryeah, weird. i did a fresh install yesterday and it didn't work. so i did another vanilla install today and it still doesn't work. i use recommends, though.03:45
critryeah, tried it both ways.03:45
critrby install i mean daedalus installs.03:46
fsmithredyeah, that's what this is.03:46
critrok, i'll poke around and try to find out what's up, since it's working for you.03:46
fsmithreddo you have pulseaudio installed?03:47
fsmithredI don't have it here.03:47
fsmithredonly two libpulse things.03:47
critrit's installed with todays install by default. yesterday i did a very minimal install so i don't think it was installed.03:48
fsmithredI'm out of ideas.03:49
critrok. thanks for letting me know it's working for someone. that helps.03:49
fsmithredtry audacity, I guess03:50
critrhm, audacity installs and plays back a file ok.03:53
onefangI share some tmux sessions with people that are familiar with screen, so I changed my prefix to the screen one, so they are more comfy.03:54
fsmithredcritr, you set audacity to use jack? The default is for it to use alsa.03:58
critrno, i didn't try to use it with jack... qsynth says "Qsynth1: Failed to create the audio driver (jack)." qjackctl says "Could not connect to JACK server as client, and the message window says "/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0" then) C"annot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory"04:08
critr(That's immediately after "JACK is starting...")04:10
critrbut since qfackctl is working for you, i'm sure it's either my hardware of operator error.04:12
fsmithredI don't know what that error message means. I do know that jack can be fickle.04:13
fsmithredand sometimes stubborn.04:13
fsmithredsleep time here. Good luck.04:14
critrok, sleep well and thanks.04:14
onefang3 seconds?  We have a new record!  lol04:15
al1r4donefang: what?14:02
fsmithredI think he was talking about the time between join and leave for someone right before he said that.14:36
al1r4dHmm, ok,  fsmithred15:33
onefangal1r4d: fsmithred is correct, fifi was only on for three seconds.15:47
onefangAnd three seconds from now, I'll be in bed.  G'night.15:47
fifishould I go15:48
onefangNah, I was just making a joke.15:48
fsmithredno, you can stay15:48
fsmithredconnects and disconnects happen all the time without any user interference15:48
onefangYou are welcome here fifi.15:48
fsmithreddo not attempt to disturb the machine. It knows what is best for us.15:49
onefangPreviously there where some people that would connect, ask their question, then go away a minute later.15:49
fsmithredthat still happens occasionally.15:50
onefangAlmost midnight here, so I'm off to bed now.15:50
rrqfsmithred: when you made that VDI, why did it become read-only?15:55
fsmithredrrq, I don't know15:56
fsmithredI think I can try15:56
fsmithredok, can anyone tell my why I have to run vboxconfig every time I start virtualbox?15:58
fsmithredoh, I think I turned off the service. I'm not sure which one needs to be turned on.  Maybe vboxdrv?16:00
fsmithredrrq, it won't boot today - complains of wrong permissions16:04
rrqwrong for that VDI? or something else?16:05
fsmithredthe vdi was owned by root16:05
fsmithredI changed it to user16:06
fsmithredI thought I got the boot menu yesterday, but today I get the uefi interface and have to go to Boot from file and there's no file16:06
rrqok and that's with the VDI as "normal disk" (not cdromm)?16:08
fsmithredand if I turn off efi in vbox, it says No bootable media16:08
fsmithredyes, disk16:08
tom2023Hello . Please tell me why the sudo iwlist scan command does not work? I checked on another distro this command works .if problems with iw package ?16:08
rrqtom2023: what does .. sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH'   .. give?16:11
rrqspecifically, does it include /sbin16:11
tom2023rrq I have not tried, later I will do what you recommend, thanks for the advice. Please tell me how did you ping me?)) what is the command in irc ?16:13
rrqI wrote your handle. Your client recognized it.16:14
rrqfsmithred: thanks. seems like vbox is too "smart".16:15
fsmithredI don't understand why it worked yesterday but not today16:17
tom2023<rrq> .. sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH' returned nothing ... empty ...16:18
rrqthat's odd16:20
fsmithredwhy not just 'sudo echo $PATH'?16:20
rrqbecause $PATH would then be evaluated before sudo16:20
rrq.. before sudo is invoked16:21
fsmithredrrq, if I boot the raw img file in qemu, I can 'touch testfile' if I open a shell in the installer.16:21
rrqtom2023: how about .. sudo env ... does that include PATH ?16:22
tom2023< rrq >sorry i was wrong ... the output is the same as in sudo visudo16:22
rrqand it inludes /sbin ?16:23
rrqok; my PATH hunch was wrong ... may man page says: iwlist [interface] scanning16:25
rrqbut my "iwlist scan" also works16:26
rrqwhat's the error btw?16:26
rrqfsmithred: the installer is in RAM; the unpacked initrd. the img is a disk image with 2 partitions16:28
rrqp1 spans the whole image and p2 is a fat within that16:28
tom2023rrq  "command not found"16:28
fsmithredwireless-tools is installed?16:29
tom2023i entered the command with interface16:29
fsmithredtom2023, is this daedalus or chimaera?16:29
fsmithredok, iwlist works on chimaera here16:30
rrq"command not found" is typically a PATH problem though16:30
rrq(or package missing)16:31
tom2023as I wrote, this command does not work, but this command works: sudo iw dev wlp3s0 scan16:31
rrqthe binary should be /sbin/iwlist .. different from /sbin/iw16:32
fsmithredthey come from different packages. Make sure wireless-tools package is installed16:32
tom2023fsmithred could you please clarify what you mean when you write installed wireless tools, you mean the package firmware-ath9k-htc ?16:40
fsmithreddpkg -l | grep wireless16:42
fsmithredif it does not show an installed package named wireless tools, then you need to install it.16:43
fsmithredapt install wireless-tools16:43
fsmithred"wireless-tools" not "wireless tools"16:44
tom2023fsmithred you were right, I didn't have this package, I just installed it and it worked! Thank you more for your help! And how did you know that this particular package should be installed? Have you looked at the dependencies?16:51
fsmithredapt-file find iwlist16:55
fsmithredtom2023, ^^^16:55
fsmithredfirst you'll need to do 'apt install apt-file && apt-file update"16:56
fsmithredwithout the quotes, mis-matched or not.16:56
tom2023fsmithred Thank you very much for your help! I downloaded the update and saw everything!17:06
fsmithredcool. yw.17:09
tom2023There is one question that I can not find an answer to, it is related to DWM For example, there is a command that I execute in the terminal sudo ./ (I run the script) everything works fine, how can I do the same in dwm, how correctly should I write the command in "config.h" so that when certain keys are pressed, it works in the terminal?17:09
fsmithredtom2023, try 'apt-file find bin/iw'17:09
fsmithredThat's the command I actually used ^^^17:10
tom2023I understand, thank you very much for your helpful advice.17:15

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