libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2023-10-17

[-_-]hello there14:44
[-_-]when I open htop, I see multiple instances of the same app, like many xorg entries14:44
[-_-]do those take separate resources ?14:44
[-_-]or do they share the same ram and cpu chunk?14:45
[-_-]yes ?14:45
djphChild processes may share (some or all of) the parent's resources, or they get their own chunks.14:46
[-_-]how can I list process that only the separate chunks are represented?14:47
djphdunno, it's never bothered me.  Maybe the manual for (h)top will be helpful there14:47
[-_-]it is bothering me, I saw lxle gui by default takes only ~200 MB14:48
[-_-]yet mine takes ~600 MB14:48
[-_-]but I use dwm !!!!14:48
[-_-]this is unacceptable14:49
[-_-]what did they do that I did not?14:49
[-_-]also I am not using systemdos14:49
nemohmmm machine did not come back after following debian → devuan instructions for a Debian 12 → dædalus VM on OVH.  Maybe I should try Debian 10/11 → chimæra?15:18
nemoit's a brand new VM so I can try whatever15:18
fsmithredor maybe debian 11 to daedalus?15:20
fsmithreddo you have access to any error messages?15:21
gnarface[-_-]: i dunno htop but regular top doesn't show individual threads by default (though it can be enabled there too)15:31
gnarfaceit would not be ridiculous to assume htop can disable them15:31
gnarfacecheck the docs15:31
nemofsmithred: doesn't seem to have anything like that in the web console15:34
nemofsmithred: nor any visual VM15:34
nemolike a VT15:34
nemofsmithred: I was following this btw
nemofsmithred: and didn't come back at the reboot just before dist-upgrade15:36
nemoovh debian 12. but I'll try 1115:36
nemoI have another ovh vm that's working fine on dædalus, but I upgraded it from chimæra... and maybe beowulf. can't remember...15:37
nemoit was a pretty painless switch at the time. I don't even think I filed a guide15:37
nemoonly thing I did differently was switch the default username to nemo ☺ but that should not have changed anything15:39
nemohm. actually, another thing I didn't do, was use their sources.list exactly15:48
nemoI'd copied and pasted from one of my existing dædalus machines..15:48
nemomaybe that's the problem.15:48
nemothe main difference is they enabled backports15:48
nemoI guess I can try 12 one more time but following more exactly15:49
nemo.. eh. unless anyone here thinks it matters, since I already did the 11 reset will do that first.  kinda don't have a ton of time to play around with variations.15:51
fsmithredI think upgrade/migration from 11 to daedalus might be easier. And yes, disable backports just in case.15:55
fsmithredcheck 'apt policy backports' to make sure priority is low15:55
fsmithred $backports15:56
fsmithredwhatever the right name is15:56
nemooh they had backports commented out in their example anyway15:56
nemoso that can't be it15:56
nemojust hadn't noticed until I copied it15:56
nemohm. I also had all the extra enabled like non-free and firmware, and while I feel that shouldn't matter... following theirs exactly on that too15:57
fsmithredmaybe try or take a look at tito's migration script.16:02
lyubovi'm having issues with xdg-mime and xdg-open. xdg-mime query filetype does not return the filetype name and xdg-open fails to identify the filetype so cannot chose the default program and reverts to opening with the browser. is this a bug?16:11
gnarfaceprobably, what's the file type?16:12
gnarfacedoes "file" recognize it?16:12
gnarfaceso far i've managed to get by without xdg-mime and xdg-open. maybe you can too.16:13
fsmithredI think part of the problem is that whatever gets installed last becomes the program to open all files that possibly can.16:13
fsmithredI had to manually set file associations in the desktop-live isos to avoid that.16:14
lyubovwhat package installs file?16:16
gnarfacepackage of the same name16:16
lyubovthanks, file works16:17
lyubovnow xdg-mime works as well16:17
lyubovthank you gnarface fsmithred16:17
gnarfaceno problem16:17
lyubovnevertheless, file obviously isn't a dependency of xdg-utils, but i guess this problem only emerges in minimal/server installs16:18
gnarfacepossibly the xdg stuff wasn't tested with "recommends" off16:19
gnarfaceor something like that16:19
gnarfacemy guess is they have a shared dependency but the package for file knows about it and whatever package xdg-mime is in doesn't16:21
nemofsmithred: ok. back on the install of eudev.  I got a "fatal" from insserv saying that service mountkernfs has to exist for eudev and service urandom has to exist for service networking16:23
nemobut going to continue w/ the instructions16:23
nemothe apt-get -f install did nothing..16:24
nemobit concerned about a "fatal" in something called "mountkernfs"16:24
nemoso not feeling good about the reboot16:24
gnarfacehow does urandom not exist?16:24
gnarfacesounds like a VM problem16:24
nemourandom exists16:25
nemojust not "service urandom" I guess16:25
nemowhatever that is16:25
gnarfaceare the permissions right on /dev/urandom ?16:25
nemonemo@familybox:/etc$ ls init.d/*rand*16:25
nemognarface: crw rw rw16:25
nemohmm /etc/init.d/urandom definitely exists. weird16:26
nemomaybe I can try reinstalling eudev and networking16:26
nemo /etc/init.d/ also exists16:27
nemoand they both provide urandom and mountkernfs.  so initserv should not be erroring16:27
nemoer. insserv16:27
nemognarface: I'm trying to follow that debian to devuan guide on for context if you missed that part ☺  debian 12 failed, so attempting 1116:28
nemognarface: I'm at the "install eudev" stage and the apt install seems to be freaking out for inexplicable reasons16:28
nemofsmithred: yep that one16:29
nemohmm eudev exists in rc 0 6 S.. but nothing else. that alone could explain why the VM died on reboot16:30
nemogoing to attempt reinstall16:30
nemono errors on reinstall, but it's still only in those runlevels16:30
gnarfacethat looks normal16:31
nemoah. yeah. just checked mine at home16:31
nemofingers crossed!16:31
nemotrying the reboot :)16:31
gnarfacei think something is still wrong, and i read that guide and i'm not super sure the advice to reboot at that point is sound16:31
gnarfacethat said, this seems like a VM issue16:31
nemognarface: oh. is there anything I should try before reboot?16:32
gnarfacemaybe something that can be avoided by changing the VM config, i could only speculate16:32
gnarfacewhat type of a VM is it? maybe it's a known issue in their community16:32
nemoOVH default Debian 10/11/1216:33
nemodon't think there's anything that special about it16:33
nemotheir sources list seems standard16:33
gnarfaceis it real virtualization? does your guest run its own kernel?16:34
fsmithredHere's the link to tito's script:
nemognarface: yes16:34
fsmithredThe comment for the list of devuan packages that includes eudev says "order matters"16:34
gnarfaceso i'm wondering if the VM system has some sort of clamp down on changing disk mounts on the fly as a security issue16:34
nemofsmithred: oh. does it not match the guide?16:34
fsmithredI haven't compared it in detail, but it is definitely different from the guide.16:35
fsmithredline 57516:35
nemooops should have fetched the raw16:38
nemofsmithred: hm. I guess I'll try the script's list, but a bit late now since "order matters" :(17:04
nemoI might be starting over using that script17:04
nemoif it's successful... maybe guide should recommend it17:05
nemooh. that script is clearly desktop oriented17:06
nemoit's pulling in x11 stuff which I definitely don't want17:06
nemoreviewing the list17:06
nemoprobably elogind17:06
nemook. after stripping elogind, everything else was already setup17:07
nemogoing to attempt reboot then17:07
nemoit's back \o/17:08
fsmithredcool! Script worked ok?17:08
nemofsmithred: nope17:08
nemofsmithred: I think Debian 11 was the key change17:08
nemowhich is sad17:08
nemofsmithred: I copied that one line from the script, but everything in it was already installed from the guide, except the desktop pieces I didn't want17:08
nemofsmithred: the only other key deviation this time was copying the guide's source list exactly. but I really don't see why that would matter.  mine had " main non-free non-free-firmware contrib" vs "main" in the guide.. but that's all17:09
nemook.  going to continue w/ the guide. fingers crossed17:09
fsmithredyeah, I don't think the non-free stuff would cause a problem.17:10
nemofsmithred: if debian 12 is an issue, might need to warn people :(17:10
fsmithredI would think excluding it might cause problems.17:10
nemoand. hope it's not a sign of a long-term trend17:10
fsmithredwhat, that debian is getting more and more fucked up?17:11
fsmithredold news17:11
fsmithredupgrades within devuan seem to be getting easier17:12
nemofsmithred: sadness for me at work - I wanted to setup vmware view's agent.  it failed on devuan... because the install script only supported chkconfig, upstart and systemd17:15
nemosooo I get to update their installer to add sysv or more likely update-rc.d17:16
nemobut yeah... trends17:16
nemohoping whatever chkconfig does it probably ends up with something in init.d I can copy17:17
blizzowI would like to install ceres on an encrypted btrfs partition on a GPT partitioned drive to boot off UEFI using an efistub instead of grub or some other bootloader.19:55
blizzowI think this kind of forces me to do an install using debootstrap.19:55
blizzowI've downloaded the large installer image and booted off it.19:56
blizzowWhen I run the debootstrap command, it fails during unpacking base system.19:57
blizzowIt says it's failing on trying to install cron-daemon or adduser.19:58
blizzowWhen I was perusing the log of debootstrap I feel like I saw something about a systemd requirement which really blew my mind.19:59
fsmithredmaybe libsystemd019:59
blizzowAnyone know what I might be doing wrong or encountering here?19:59
blizzowI thought devuan was systemd free and would expect the debootstrap script/requirements to not contain anything that required systemd.20:00
fsmithreddid it fail more than once? Sometimes it's just a problem connecting to the repo.20:00
fsmithredsystemd init system is not installable in devuan. Some libraries are because lots of things depend on them, even if they do nothing.20:01
blizzowfsmithred: I think I've done this about 5 times now.20:02
fsmithredit's been a few months since I've done a debootstrap, and it always has worked for me.20:02
fsmithredWhat command did you use?20:02
blizzowI used debootstrap --arch amd64 ceres /mnt/target ceres20:05
fsmithredthat looks the same as what I use (except you don't need the 'ceres' at the end.)20:05
fsmithredI'm trying it now, but it could take a long time with my slow internet.20:07
onefangCeres being "unstable" means it might be broken at any given time.20:09
fsmithredgood point20:09
fsmithredOK, in five minutes I only have four lines of output. Still waiting at "Retrieving Packages"20:11
onefangAlso it is currently in the middle of package mirrors update'o'clock.20:12
onefangAnd one of the DNS-RR mirrors is currently foiling the update.20:13
onefang141.84.43.19   2001:4ca0:4300::1:1920:13
onefangEr s/foiling/failing/20:14
fsmithredI gave up. It did nothing after checking the key.20:17
onefangTry with a more stable release?20:18
blizzowI'd expect the base system packages that debootstrap requires is very static.20:19
fsmithredI'm running daedalus - it should at least download packages.20:19
onefangTry one of the package mirrors directly, instead of
onefangAnd I meant try installing a more stable release than ceres.20:20
fsmithredI get the same result with daedalus. It hangs after checking the key. I'm blaming it on the clouds overhead. (not kidding)20:22
onefangInsert "old man yells at clouds" meme here.20:23
fsmithredDownload: 0.07 Mbit/s20:24
fsmithredupload is 1.6220:24
blizzowTried with daedalus. That worked.20:24
blizzowI guess my workaround is to debootstrap daedalus, change apt.sources.list to ceres, chroot and apt upgrade?20:35
fsmithredtechnically you should go to excalibur first, but it might not matter.20:36
golinuxWhy are you wanting to run Ceres?20:36
golinuxIt will always be unstable and never become an official release20:38
blizzowI like new features sometimes?20:51
rwpThe most reliable way to install Unstable is to install Stable first and then upgrade.20:54
rwpAnd that should not be any hardship since if one is running unstable then one will always be upgrading so that's just a normal day.20:54
rwpblizzow, When you debootstrap'd to boot a UEFI system the most confusing part is getting the partitioning suitable.  I definitely recommend using the netinst installer from Stable at least once to have it set up suitable partitioning.  Use that as a reference.20:59
rwpThere are at least three different partition layouts depending.  Legacy BIOS (which is simplest).  UEFI.  UEFI with Legacy CSM.  All three are different.  And then there are other variations too.21:01
brocashelmblizzow: depending on your use cases, try daedalus-backports versions of packages and see if that suits you fancy21:38
brocashelmi used ceres for the past 2.5 years and only had a few problems that weren't my own doing -- that were remedied rather quickly by applying specific fixes or apt-pinning a buggy version for the next build21:39
brocashelmthe thing is it is a lot of updating, which becomes a chore easily21:40
brocashelmyou'd be better off using a rolling release like artix or void than devuan ceres21:41
n4diri tend to disagree21:41
n4dirbut that probably is a question of taste or use case or such21:41
brocashelmif you know what you're doing and don't mind helping out, ceres and installing from experimental would definitely be a plus for both parties21:42
n4direxperimental: rather not21:42
n4diralso i really never ran in anyone really using it, besides for the lulz21:43
brocashelmexperimental is for helping out the devs, like if they asked to test a build of dbus before pushing to ceres21:43
brocashelmbut yeah, it isn't a merged repo, unlike debian's experimental (something to keep in mind)21:43
n4dirwhat exactly is he looking for, regarding ceres? I don't know artix, but i ran Void for a while.21:44
brocashelmhe said he likes "new features", so ceres would be it if using devuan21:44
n4diri too would rather use ceres then.21:45
rwpexperimental is not a general purpose suite.  experimental is a dropbox for specific packages which need a test before upload to unstable.21:45
brocashelmjust be sure to install apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges, and always read the change logs/bug reports BEFORE confirming21:45
n4dirand backups21:45
brocashelmagreed, hence why i said unstable + experimental (for helping out with unstable faster)21:46
n4diryou could also install ceres in an emulator, and before you do the upgrade, you do it there21:46
n4dirdepending how safe you want to be21:46
n4dirmy whole point was: i ran debian sid for quite some years, and it was pretty stable21:46
brocashelmthere are some packages that are on ceres that didn't get backported to daedalus, so i specifically install those packages21:47
brocashelmstable as in "doesn't crash"21:47
n4diryeah, like that21:47
brocashelmbut unstable technically means it changes. all the time21:47
rwpI run unstable along with having testing in sources.list so that when something is really broken I can more easily reach into the previous version which is hopefully still in testing.21:47
brocashelmtesting IMO is a bit more of a gamble compared to unstable, since a bug fix might not make it in time21:48
n4dirbrocashelm: that is why i don't run it anymore. I often don't start the PC for weeks or even months.21:48
rwpCrashing is usually a Linux kernel area.  Right now I cannot run Linux 6.5 due to bugs there and must run the previous 6.4 instead.  That's active right now in Unstable Ceres.21:48
n4dirbrocashelm: many recommended to use a mixed testing unstable for the reason you just said21:48
brocashelmn4dir: same, i actually just wanted to go back to stable without a reinstall ;)21:48
brocashelmrwp: i run 6.4 kernel from backports; noticing the kernel module isn't picking up my firewall on lynis audits, and no swap usage at all21:48
n4dirat the end of the day it is his choice anyway. You know what you might run into. Then you have to decide21:49
brocashelmi think 6.3 is functional in that department21:49
brocashelmrwp: i tried to install 6.5 to see if that would fix the above issues, but it had issues updating, so i removed it and sorted things out21:49
rwpA smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.  Running Unstable is a way to guarantee rough seas.  Learning to navigate those seas is a teaching experience.21:51
rwpThe problem is not intrinsically in running Unstable.  The problem is that many people then complain about the problems instead of working to fix them.21:52
n4diri am not sure if i learned much running debian-sid.21:52
brocashelmi definitely learned from it, but i would understand a gentoo/slackware/arch user learning even more21:52
brocashelmdebian patches a lot of stuff and splits packages up more so you can pick and choose what components to use/avoid21:53
blizzowJust throwing this out herein case any devuan devs are interested. I'm getting the same difficulty debootstrapping excalibur that I am with ceres. Daedalus works fine.23:11
rrqgood morning. which "same difficulty" is that?23:16
rrq... and which platform are you debootstrapping on?23:17
blizzowrrq, I'm debootstrapping an amd64 system. I'm doing this because I want to use an encrypted root partition (btrfs+luks or zfs) and EFIstub as the bootloader.23:19
rrqfine. which platform are you debootstrapping on?23:20
blizzowI'm also on an amd64 system. The difficulty is debootstrapping ceres or excalibur dies out while unpacking the base-system. The output says (possibly the package cron-daemon-common is at fault)23:22
blizzowLooking at the logs, there are complaints about systemd in there.23:22
rrqok. which OS are you using to run debootstrap; and which debootstrap?23:23
blizzowI'm using poop-OS 22.04. I uninstalled the OS deboostrap package and installed the most recent I could find from devuan.23:26
blizzowI also tried booting the 4GB devuan 5.0.1 image and running the same process and got the same issue.23:26
blizzowI'm going to be right back because I accidentally did an rm -rf /* in my chroot while proc/sys/dev were mounted.23:27
rrqthanks... I have a memory of some issues with the coming cron-daemon-common package but haven't followed it23:27
rrqdid you check at
rrqbtw I guess you are aware that excalibur and ceres are package collections for testing; ceres is for testing package groups individually rt function, and excalibur for testing them in relation to each other... not actual "distributions" normally23:30
rrqrt="with respect to"23:31
blizzowrrq: yeah, I'm aware that they're for testing.23:31
rrqso discovering that, say, cron-daemon-common has gained (spurious?) dependencies on systemd is a good thing and something to make a bug report for23:32
rrqthat package is (has been) from debian, i.e. not forked, so any bug report about it should go there.23:34
rrq(you can see that from it's version tag not containing "devuan")23:35
rrqif the issue leads to a new need of forking, then that's less good of course23:41
rrqit then will take someone to raise their hand as fork maintainer, and that one doing the work23:42
rrq(i.e. identify the cause and work around it... or at worst, blacklist the package)23:43
rrqyour personal workaround might be to exclude that package from debootstrap, whatever ramifications that might have23:45
blizzowI submitted a bug report. Given debian's choice to embrace systemd, I wouldn't imagine they care if yet another item depends on systemd.  I did try a --exclude directive to debootstrap and it failed similarly, I may have had a typo or improper syntax I guess.23:46
rrqdid you try --variant=minbase ? ... (given that cron-daemon-common is merely "important" and not "required")23:50
blizzowI did not realize that was an option.23:51
rrq(btw, I think of "debian" as an amorphous group of people where many (or most, even) are sensible)23:52
rrqfair enough. the RTFM advice is: use "man debootstrap" :)23:53
blizzowI guess that brings up - how is cron being installed in ceres or excalibur if this dependency exists? I think of cron as a 'low level' package and would think most installs would trigger the need for it early.23:55
rrqagain: excalibur and ceres are not "releases" ... they are "package collections"; I guess anyone using such package collection as if a release would find their way of running cron if they need it.23:58

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