libera/##covid-19/ Thursday, 2020-07-09

BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Illinois Gov. Pritzker says states were forced to compete in 'sick Hunger Games' competition for PPE without national coronavirus plan: Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker said states were forced to compete in a "Hunger Games"-like competition for personal protective equipment when the pandemic began because of a lackluster national response. →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +10269 cases (now 12.2 million), +123 deaths (now 551171) since 20 minutes ago — South Africa: +8810 cases (now 224665), +98 deaths (now 3600) since 23 hours ago — New Mexico, US: +290 cases (now 14017), +8 deaths (now 527) since 23 hours ago — US: +1459 cases (now 3.1 million), +25 deaths (now 134726) since 20 minutes ago00:09
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia update: 'extremely high' chance Victoria outbreak has spread to NSW as Melbourne locks down – live news →
BrainstormUpdates for Bulgaria: +240 cases (now 6342), +5 deaths (now 259) since a day ago — World: +1118 cases (now 12.2 million), +14 deaths (now 551185) since 20 minutes ago — Texas, US: +878 cases (now 225831), +9 deaths (now 2900) since 20 minutes ago — US: +878 cases (now 3.1 million), +9 deaths (now 134735) since 20 minutes ago00:24
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): United warns 36,000 employees of potential job cuts as pandemic roils travel demand →
Jigsy%cases UK00:31
BrainstormJigsy: In United Kingdom, there have been 286979 confirmed cases (0.4% of the population) and 44517 deaths (15.5% of cases) as of 7 hours ago. 11.0 million tests were performed (2.6% positive). See for time series data.00:31
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia update: 'extremely high' chance Victoria outbreak has spread to NSW as Melbourne locks down – live news →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: Tulsa health chief cites Trump rally over spike in cases: Gathering ‘likely contributed’ to surge; Bolsonaro vetoes measures to help indigenous people; Melbourne goes into full lockdown after rises in cases →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +6361 cases (now 12.2 million), +84 deaths (now 551269) since 35 minutes ago — Colorado, US: +452 cases (now 35116), +3 deaths (now 1704) since a day ago — Colombia: +4144 cases (now 128638), +75 deaths (now 4527) since 17 hours ago — US: +1196 cases (now 3.1 million), +6 deaths (now 134741) since 35 minutes ago00:54
BrainstormUpdates for Argentina: +3604 cases (now 87030), +40 deaths (now 1694) since 9 hours ago — World: +6096 cases (now 12.2 million), +100 deaths (now 551369) since 20 minutes ago — US: +2032 cases (now 3.2 million), +45 deaths (now 134786) since 20 minutes ago — Texas, US: +1277 cases (now 227781), +16 deaths (now 2919) since 20 minutes ago01:09
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: 'extremely high' chance Victoria outbreak has spread to NSW as Melbourne enters lockdown →
pynaoh no, the US might run out of tv soon01:24
BrainstormUpdates for World: +5037 cases (now 12.2 million), +121 deaths (now 551490) since 20 minutes ago — Brazil: +3036 cases (now 1.7 million), +91 deaths (now 68055) since 2 hours ago — Nebraska, US: +224 cases (now 20425) since 23 hours ago — US: +1953 cases (now 3.2 million), +30 deaths (now 134816) since 20 minutes ago01:24
LjLpyna, how so?01:25
bin_bashhow does one "run out of tv"01:26
pynait's already sparser than usual, but just as california was getting ready to start making more tv, it turns out that yep, pandemic01:26
LjLpyna, just air reruns, nobody will notice01:27
pyna terrifying future with not even a single new full house reboot to broadcast our culture to the hungry world01:27
LjLpyna, i suspect maybe the unrest is due to lacking our usual amount of "cops are good" propaganda shows01:29
LjLgotta churn those out on the regular01:30
pynareruns don't contain enough essential nutrients to survive. it's like eating just rabbits, or getting scurvy :)01:30
pynayeah, shit, i forgot, they actually canceled COPS01:30
LjLin our TV, reruns of non-fiction shows get a "This programme was recorded before the emergency laws" overlay01:31
LjLbecause they have to justify showing people unmasked, shaking hands, closer than 1m, etc01:31
pynaholy shit really?! that's amazing01:32
LjLyesh i mean, non-fiction as in quiz shows or talk shows or the like01:32
LjL"series" or similar don't have an overlay01:32
pynaah, yeah - plausibly-misconstruable as live. that makes more sense, but is still just amazing to me. 01:33
LjLlive, or just recently recorded, as they used to be01:34
pynai've fully given up on anything as innocent and practical as that in my shithole country :(01:34
LjLnow instead they ran a lot of reruns of those01:34
LjLpyna, my country is not particularly great if that helps01:35
pynaoh, sweden, huh. yeah :(01:36
LjLjag? nej, italien01:36
livebrainthats like saying "oh my bmw is a crappy car" lol01:36
pynai guess im glad im not in brazil. and in a relatively sane city so far01:37
LjLi'm glad i'm not in lombardy, nevermind next to bergamo. oh wait01:37
bin_bashpyna: idk what youre talking about tv being "sparse"01:39
bin_bashthere are thousands upon thousands of things to watch across a plethora of streaming services01:39
pynafrom the article, there's like THREE examples01:39
LjLTV is the thing with an antenna to me01:40
pynaim not being serious, but it's not like i can be completely complacent about america not paying a price for less new tv01:41
bin_bashin the US tvs dont even have antennas anymore, just tuners where you can plug coax in01:41
LjLi mean, no, our TVs don't normally have built-in rabbit ears either, no01:42
LjLthe coax goes to the roof and that's where the antenna is01:42
LjLdon't take me too literally01:42
bin_bashthe thing is that there are usually WAY too many crappy pilots that aire and then never have more than a few episodes01:42
bin_bashor good ones where they cancel it01:42
bin_bashso maybe not having an over-abundance of pilots will ultimately be a good thing01:42
pynayou still need an antenna if you're a caveman like me and try to get OTA tv signal01:42
LjLi just mean that streaming services may provide things that we also call "TV shows" but when i talk about "TV", in general, to me, that's about the programming on over-the-air TV, not streaming services01:42
bin_bashwell, then I guess I don't watch TV at all01:43
LjLlike many other people lately01:43
livebrainthere are alot of shows still airing, some "morning shows" or "late shows"01:43
bin_bashI mean I watch it on my TV set, but I don't watch anything not via the internet. even when watching live sports, it's still via the internet01:43
livebraini think the only ones that are going to be affected are tv series or movies 01:43
bin_bashLjL: yeah01:43
LjLlivebrain, in italy, talk shows like those you mention are definitely affected... not in the sense they *don't exist* anymore, but they have changed completely. all (except sometimes one or two) guests are over Skype or similar01:44
LjLnot being able to understand what people say on TV because of bad connectivity has become a staple of italian TV now01:45
LjLespecially under lockdown, when people just weren't allowed to go to Milan and Rome if invited at a TV show01:45
pynai've been existentially sniped considering the true meaning of TV01:45
LjLbut it's mostly stayed that way01:45
bin_bashpyna: what do you mean by that01:45
livebrainpyna: cheap entertainment 01:46
pynai want TV to mean the physical device, but can't argue it is01:46
pynalike i want phones to not be called phones anymore01:46
pynacause it's like calling a house a refrigerator01:47
livebrainwhat would you call a phone ?01:47
bin_bashoh well when i say TV i mean the physical device01:47
bin_bashotherwise i'd say broadcast tv or something01:47
pynai dunno, i imagine there'd be a committee or something01:47
pynalanguage police01:47
bin_bashwhat do you want phones to be called tho01:48
LjLwhen i mean the physical device i typically say "a TV", "the TV" [set], "TVs"01:48
pynaif i was asked to make a suggestion i would nominate 'navi', from that anime Lain. i always liked that01:48
LjLusually just "TV" cannot mean the device as it's uncountable01:48
livebrainnavi for phone ?01:48
pynabut idk, pick some word from a wm gibson novel and im good01:48
bin_bashLjL: i don't think it's uncountable01:48
pynafor the computer in your pocket that has an app that can make phone calls, yes01:49
bin_bashnot sure what you mean by that... "there are 4 televisions"01:49
bin_bashpyna: ah but you're not given full access to it like a computer01:49
LjL%w television01:49
BrainstormLjL, television  — noun: 1. (uncountable) An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images, and often sound, 2. (countable) A device for receiving television signals and displaying them in visual form, 3. (uncountable) Collectively, the programs broadcast via the medium of television, [... want %more?] →
LjL#1 is uncountable, and is what i mean by "TV"01:49
pynaim not making a real argument - well aware its a losing position, like defining television the way i wish i could01:49
LjLas opposed to "a TV" or "the TV" or "TVs" which are countable, but mean something else01:50
livebrainthe main goal of a phone is communication01:50
livebrainnot to type word or excel spreadsheets01:50
pynabin_bash: that's the rub, as long as they can trick you into thinking its not a computer, people wont expect it to work like one01:50
bin_bashi guess where i live it's not used in that way anymore really without a modifier. like "i'm going to watch a television show" -- some elderly person,probably01:51
livebrainyou call it by the "main" purpose of it01:51
LjLbin_bash, what is your point? meanings #2 and #3 on your links, which correspond to meanings #1 and #3 on Wiktionary, are stated to be uncountable01:51
LjLof course, if you put an article before it, you are using the countable meaning01:51
LjLnot those meanings01:51
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: US cases rise by world record 60,000 as Melbourne locks down: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; global infections near 12m; 3,000 miners infected in Chile. Follow the latest updates →
pynai'd kill for my "phone" to have a filesystem and easy keyboard/monitor hookup, instead of a "laptop" or a "tablet". 01:51
bin_bashi just wanted to share a not-wiktionary source01:51
pynait'll eventually happen, but slowly01:52
LjLwell i'm glad a rather subpar learner's dictionary agrees with Wiktionary which i definitely trust more then1201:52
bin_basheven if you don't put an article in my dialect it's still countable, because the uncountable one is only used with modifiers01:52
bin_bashumm it's oxford01:52
bin_bashoxford is not subpar...01:52
LjLOED is one thing, ODE definitely another, and the Learner's Dictionary DEFINITELY another yet01:52
pynabefore iphone, the carriers had a waaaay longer timetable before your average consumer was gonna catch on that it was a computer01:52
bin_bashit's the free version of the OED meant for people learning english01:52
livebrainpyna: by that argument a car is no longer a car01:53
livebrainits a computer also01:53
livebrainso everything that is able to calculate is a computer01:53
bin_bashanyway, i was just saying that in my dialect the uncountable way is only used wiht a modifier, so thats why i was confused01:53
bin_bashnot a big deal01:53
pynawell, i'd hear out an argument. it's still an "auto-mobile" at least01:53
livebraineven a Tv remote01:54
livebrainwould be called a computer01:54
livebraineverything would be called a computer01:54
livebraini think we call things by the main purpose of them01:54
pynapeople used to be computers!01:54
livebrainence a car is always a car even though you can play mario kart on a car "computer"01:55
LjLwell is it true that the main purpose of (mobile, obviously) phones today is to make telephone calls?01:55
LjLbut anyway i think we call things by what language history brought us to call them01:55
livebrainLjL: communication 01:55
LjLit is sometimes their main purpose, sometimes not01:55
pynai like your argument livebrain. it also supports that we need to rename "phones"01:55
LjLlivebrain, sorry, but "telephone" and "communication" aren't synonyms. tele*phone* is specifically about remote *sound*01:55
livebrainim not that good with language01:56
livebrainbut isnt that a form of communication ?01:56
pynaif i had a twitter i'd ask wired magazine to take a survey of SF authors about what to call pocketcomputers01:56
LjLi mean, normally i'd say "who cares, it's its accepted meaning, etymology fallacy doesn't count", but right now i believe we're arguing things should be called according to what the words "mean" i.e. etymologies01:56
LjLlivebrain, yes, a form of communication. a subset of it. not a superset.01:57
pynawhat's german for pocketcomputer01:57
LjLpyna, you realize English has had the terms PDA and handheld computer for a while right01:57
livebrainpyna: in my language you call a phone "telefone" a pocket computer "computador de bolso" 01:57
livebrainway longer 01:57
bin_bashpdas are different though, they don't make phone alls01:57
livebrainwouldnt work ;P01:57
pynayeah, it's a shame PDA is used up01:57
LjLand as a matter of fact early smartphones were either dumbphone-looking Symbians, or PocketPC devices with a phone01:58
pynalike "modern"01:58
LjLbin_bash, well, before the iPhone era, there were certainly a lot of people using devices with the exact same OS as PDAs to make phone calls. they were pretty much the same, plus a GSM module.01:58
bin_bashalso pda is more syllables to say than phone is01:58
LjLi'm just saying01:59
bin_bashLjL: yeah and they were called cell phones01:59
LjLthere are words for "pocket computer" in english01:59
LjL(including "pocket computer")01:59
bin_bashi had a few different ones01:59
pynawww all over again noooo01:59
bin_bashthe blackberries01:59
LjLbin_bash, i think we're getting a bit distracted. pyna said <29pyna18> if i had a twitter i'd ask wired magazine to take a survey of SF authors about what to call pocketcomputers <pyna> what's german for pocketcomputer01:59
bin_bashalso had palm pilots01:59
LjLso i pointed out that there are perfectly good english terms for "pocket computer"01:59
LjLwhether they are also good for "phone" was not really something i was arguing02:00
LjLbut i also guess pyna's main argument is that current phones are mainly pocket computers, which among many other things, also do phone calls. which i find it hard to disagree with, but i also recognize that words are what history makes them02:00
pynai just admire that german has long descriptive words 02:01
bin_bashi know, im agreeing with you... my point was to pyna that phone is still the path of least resistant02:01
livebrainand whats wrong with "smartphones" for pocket computers ?02:01
bin_bashpyna: it's funny because cell phones are called "handy:02:01
bin_bashin german02:01
LjLlivebrain, they may not contain a phone :)02:01
pynalike immersion blenders are "stabmixer" is so funny to me02:01
LjLbin_bash, what's even funnier is that many germans assume that's the english word for it, and will happily start talking about their "handy" in english02:02
pynahmm "handy"02:02
LjLbut what's funniest of all02:02
LjLis not telling them02:02
bin_bashLjL: i know!!02:02
pynaomg lolin about this a lot02:02
bin_bash"your... what now??"02:02
nixonixim guessing i know how germans got that handy term for mobile phones02:03
nixonixthere used to be similar term in finnish, and i think nokia tried to register it as a trademark. may well be that nokia launched handy for germans02:03
pynai think its a great word for 'em, im in02:03
pynait captures an essential part of their charm and grossness02:04
nixonixso i invent and launch a term for english speakers: palmie!02:04
LjLthat sounds like a more specific form of handy02:05
pynai wonder what connotation it has in german, assuming its different than the USian one02:05
nixonixsounds a bit ozzie-like, doesnt it mates? absolutely bloody ripper!02:05
LjLpyna, it just means cellphone in anything but a rather formal setting :P02:05
LjLpresumably from handheld [terminal]02:05
LjL%w telefonino02:06
BrainstormLjL, telefonino  — noun: 1. Diminutive of telefono (“small telephone”), 2. mobile phone, mobile, cellphone, cellular — verb: 1. inflection of telefonare:, 2. third-person plural present subjunctive, 3. third-person plural imperative →
LjLthat's what we called (and sometimes still do, but sounds a bit aged) them in italian02:06
LjLi believe it was a SIP / Telecom Italia trademark02:06
bin_bashdid you ever call them "foni" for short02:07
bin_bashbecause that would be awesome02:07
LjLafraid not02:07
LjLwe sometimes say "tel", well i don't, but some do02:08
bin_bashi don't know why in my head it did a combo of australian and italian02:08
LjLand if you're in some circles that i disdain, you can say "cellu"02:08
bin_bash"oi foni"02:08
LjLpronounced "chelloo"02:08
bin_bashwhat do you hate about it02:08
bin_bashfrom my american perspective it seems a little silly but not bad sounding02:09
LjLthe people who use it02:09
LjLit's like... well i have no idea how to compare subcultures02:09
LjLbut rather ignorant loud people who may or may not mug you and take your "cellu"02:09
bin_bashyeah it's hard, i know what you mean02:09
bin_bashi'll make a note so when i'm in italy after things have gone back to normal-ish i stay away from people who say that lol02:10
bin_bashthat is a very reasonable thing to be mad about02:11
bin_bashi would be too02:11
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Queensland to turn anyone from Victoria away at border as Melbourne enters lockdown →
LjLbin_bash, well it happened like 20 years ago though02:11
LjLi'm also still mad i didn't have the guts to ask him to let me keep the SIM card02:12
LjLso i had to change my number02:12
ubLIX[m]hahaha that would have been some Flight of the Conchords level plot twist02:13
bin_bashLjL: yeah but still, it's understandable. i'm still mad about petty shit from 20 years ago, getting yout phone & sim stolen is totally reasonable. a pox on his house!02:14
LjLubLIX[m], my friend's girlfriend was robbed in Portugal and kinda chatted up the fellow, surely i could have tried it with some 16 year old moron02:14
LjLbin_bash, well, it took a while to happen, and had the side effect of also reaching my house, but... fair02:15
LjLjust don't touch elbows02:16
LjLbecause that's supremely silly02:16
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: US cases rise by world record 60,000 as Melbourne locks down: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; global infections near 12m ; nearly 3,000 miners infected in Chile . Follow the latest updates →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7192 cases (now 12.2 million), +99 deaths (now 551589) since an hour ago — US: +5197 cases (now 3.2 million), +25 deaths (now 134841) since an hour ago — California, US: +3149 cases (now 295954), +14 deaths (now 6705) since an hour ago — Texas, US: +1194 cases (now 229551), +16 deaths (now 2942) since an hour ago02:25
LjLit seems to be just short of 10k new cases an hour globally02:25
LjLbased on my eyeballing of Brainstorm's messages02:25
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Temporary dysfunction, strokes, nerve damage: Scientists warn of potential wave of Covid-linked brain damage | 09JUL20 →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Queensland to turn anyone from Victoria away at border as Melbourne enters lockdown →
ap4lmtreeit looks like "KN95" masks the chinese version of n95 mask are at good prices on ebay02:42
LjLap4lmtree, i have some, they smell02:43
LjLi'm not sure i could positively say they are equivalent to actual N9502:43
ap4lmtreewhat character is that to the left of you j?02:44
ap4lmtreeLjL, oh it is an L02:44
LjLit sure is02:44
ap4lmtreemy regular n95 mask smelsl a little02:45
ap4lmtreekind of like cat or something02:45
ap4lmtreeor something02:45
ap4lmtreewhat does your smell like02:45
LjLmaybe something like you said, actually02:46
LjLi had an FPP3 before, literally just one, with a valve (evil!), that one smelled neutral02:46
bin_bashim not sure what kn95 really is or if i trust it02:47
bin_bashbut i have just 1 n95 and the moist heat method is perfect for decontamination02:47
bin_bashI also have half-face respirator wiht p100 masks, but not fun to wear02:48
bin_bashalso has a vent so id have to cover it02:48
ap4lmtreekn95 is the chiense cerification02:48
bin_bashi know, i just dont trust chinesium02:48
bin_bashor if it's really the same02:48
bin_bashfry's has them02:48
BrainstormUpdates for Moscow, Russia: +1314 cases (now 46140), +46 deaths (now 3999) since 2 days ago — Baja California, Mexico: +402 cases (now 12040), +80 deaths (now 2231) since 2 days ago — Sverdlovsk, Russia: +14 deaths (now 138) since 19 hours ago — World: +65 cases (now 12.2 million), +15 deaths (now 551604) since 31 minutes ago02:50
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Out of work? Here's what you need to know about getting health insurance: The pandemic has led to millions of Americans losing their jobs and their health insurance. Here's what to do about the latter. →
BrainstormUpdates for Mexico: +6995 cases (now 275003), +782 deaths (now 32796) since 20 hours ago — World: +7218 cases (now 12.2 million), +791 deaths (now 552395) since 31 minutes ago — US: +201 cases (now 3.2 million), +9 deaths (now 134862) since 31 minutes ago — California, US: +81 cases (now 296075), +1 deaths (now 6713) since 31 minutes ago03:05
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: US cases rise by world record 60,000 as Melbourne locks down: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; global infections near 12m ; nearly 3,000 miners infected in Chile . Follow the latest updates →
eckshmm maybe i should get some ffp2 masks03:12
ecksffp3 still seems to be out of stock everywhere03:12
pynai am reading an italian novel. im english of course cause i suck at other human languages03:17
pynainspector montalbano03:18
yuriwhoNo one expects the Italian Inquisition03:20
pynaim really enjoying it. like the 20+th in a whole series i guess, but my first one. he solves some mystery, stops to have good meals, bickers amiably with his girlfriend, solves a bit more mystery. its nice03:22
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2: the knowns and unknowns (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Queensland to turn anyone from Victoria away at border as Melbourne enters lockdown →
pynaand im having fun googling the meals03:32
pynabottarga, timballo di riso, sfinchione03:35
LjLpyna, Montalbano is also enjoyed here as a rather popular TV series. but half of it is hearing the accents, so not as if you don't speak italian03:36
LjLbut it's also definitely about the food03:36
LjLas not as fun* if03:37
LjLso* not as fun* if03:37
pynathere's a character in this written in some sort of very thick dialect03:37
LjLthe books themselves are written in a "light" sicilian dialect (basically whatever a non-sicilian italian will probably understand, but no more)03:37
LjLthen some characters are hardcore sicilian03:37
pynaand ive been wondering whats going on there. in eglish they have it kinda like the truck driver in futurama03:38
pynaah, so its hardcore sicilian. lol03:38
LjLi don't think it's easy to convey in translation03:38
LjLyes well usually they're all various degrees of sicilian03:38
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Jetstar CEO blames NSW Health for failing to screen passengers arriving from Melbourne: Different rules in different states could cause confusion, Gareth Evans says after traveller who flew into Sydney refuses Covid-19 check →
pynayeah it's lol and clearly not even close to a 1:103:38
BrainstormUpdates for World: +60 cases (now 12.2 million), +2 deaths (now 552397) since 36 minutes ago — Bahamas: +2 cases (now 106) since 6 days ago — Jamaica: +6 cases (now 751) since 21 hours ago — New Zealand: +3 cases (now 1540) since 21 hours ago03:38
pyna“Nah, nah, Chief, f’hivven’s sake, don’ talk to me! I did a wicket ting! I let Rinaldi get aways an’ now I don’ know where to find ’im. An’ until I get ’at cat an’ my honor back, I’m too disgraced to set foot inna p’leece station!”03:38
LjLwhat is even "i get 'at cat"03:39
pyna"that cat" it's a literal lost cat he's talking about03:40
pynai picked this up cause its on a best books list, i read he dictated it at 93 years old, and i figure a 93 year old mystery writer probably has some worthwhile things to say03:41
LjLitalian dub of Simpsons has a few characters speak various Italian dialects03:41
pynai hope lenny and carl have funny complimentary accents03:42
LjLthe police chief is neapolitan, the mafia boss is obviously sicilian, and what's their names the two friends are venetian03:42
LjLright those03:42
LjLthey're funny03:42
pynaif the rest of this guys books are pretty good im in, and if the tv show is decent, that's nice too03:42
LjLit's decent03:43
pynaalso i want some timballo03:44
LjLthere's also a spinoff "The Young Montalbano" when he was... well, younger03:44
pynayeah there's so many books. this is a guy in his 90s writting abotu a guy in his 60s, and i imagine they were both pretty different in their feckless youth03:44
pynaim drinking a 'rosé cider' in true tasteless american style03:46
LjLpyna, he died recently, in italy the Montalbano episodes are usually preceded by a snippet of him talking about the episode03:46
LjLusually kinda spoilering it03:46
LjLduring the last years of his life he had become almost completely blind03:47
LjLso partly inspired from that he made a theater appearance in a piece called
LjLTiresias being a blind prophet in ancient greece03:48
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial) (81 votes) | |
pynalol spoilers03:49
LjLpyna, but can you hate spoilers if they come from the author of the very thing?03:50
LjLi bet he had fun having us mull that very question03:51
pynain modern publishing, it's a signifier that you are about to read Important Book, too03:52
pynahaving someone tell you the ending in their little scholarly introduction03:52
pynaalso good books cannot be spoiled03:55
LjLwell that's probably his point, the turns of events are mainly a net to tie emotions, foods, language, and other things to. not so important "whodunit"03:56
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Queensland to turn anyone from Victoria away at border as Melbourne enters lockdown →
pynathe last real good "mystery" i read, the killer was super obvious but the point was really to talk about animal rights, astrology, and william blake. it was so good, and i was happy she won the nobel prize for literature a couple months later (for a more Important Book of course)03:59
pynaalso one of the best book titles of all time, imo, lifted wholesale from william blake: "Drive your plow over the bones of the dead"04:00
pynasorry for digression but i had to mention that 04:01
pynahmm is there any italo calvino movies or tv. that would be the best04:03
LjLnot aware of any, but i'm not aware of many things04:09
BrainstormUpdates for Bolivia: +1439 cases (now 42984), +47 deaths (now 1577) since 22 hours ago — World: +1439 cases (now 12.2 million), +47 deaths (now 552444) since 52 minutes ago — South Korea: +49 cases (now 13293), +2 deaths (now 287) since 22 hours ago04:24
pynaim wondering if you get a "handy call" hehehe04:29
LjLpyna, sadly i'm not german04:41
pynaquite. i'll try not to mistake you for a swede again either!04:43
LjLwell, i'm a lombard, technically lombards came from sweden04:44
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Andhra Pradesh: Lockdown blues still haunt construction workers →
pynathe normans!04:48
LjLno those were... other scandinavians04:53
Jigsy%cases UK04:55
BrainstormJigsy: In United Kingdom, there have been 286979 confirmed cases (0.4% of the population) and 44517 deaths (15.5% of cases) as of 12 hours ago. 11.0 million tests were performed (2.6% positive). See for time series data.04:55
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: SA makes face masks mandatory for arrivals amid Victoria Covid-19 lockdown →
CoronaBot_04/r/coronavirus: With No End in Sight to the Coronavirus, Some Teachers Are Retiring Rather Than Go Back to School (10083 votes) | |
ap4lmtreei have been putting my two n95 mask on my car dashboard. and dont use it more than every three or so days05:03
ap4lmtreeis it okay that they be put in sunlight?05:03
ap4lmtreei reuse them becasue they dry out and the sunlight helps sterlize them, but i am not sure if sunlight degrades the masks material05:03
the-wesyes, it's fine. it will take months of direct sunlight to degrade mask material to any measurable degree05:05
the-wesyou would get a lot more destruction from any other cleaning method05:05
LjLi second that. anything degrades the material to some extent, including sunlight, but that seems like a pretty harmless method compared to others05:06
LjLhowever it was found by some preliminary studies that sunlight may not kill all the virus in an N95 type mask because the virus can be "hiding" in the rather complex layers of fiber05:06
LjLbut if you wait several days... i think that's a reasonable way to use them when there's a shortage05:07
tinwhiskersGlass blocks nearly all UV-B in case that matters05:07
LjLright, there's that05:07
tinwhiskersbut the drying alone will probably do the trick and if you're only using it every 3 days you should be fine05:07
tinwhiskersor as the WHO would say, "There's no evidence that leaving your N95 mask on your car dashboard for 3 days will destroy all SARS-Cov-2 virions".05:09
ap4lmtree"KN95" masks are readily available on ebay for 24 dollars for 30 or 40 dollars for 5005:09
ap4lmtreewhen did they become readily available at those prices?05:10
tinwhiskersno, wait,... "insufficient evidence"05:10
LjLtinwhiskers, which means that you should just discard your mask and get a new one each day instead. except you shouldn't do that because medical workers need them. so you shouldn't wear a mask at all.05:11
tinwhiskersheh. right05:11
ap4lmtreeLjL, when did you buy your kn95 masks?05:23
ap4lmtreei would like to know when they became available more05:23
CoronaBot_04/r/coronavirus: California governor says schools will reopen when the data shows it is safe to do so (10317 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Kazakhstan: +1962 cases (now 53021) since 23 hours ago — World: +2569 cases (now 12.2 million), +23 deaths (now 552467) since an hour ago — Honduras: +550 cases (now 25978), +17 deaths (now 694) since 23 hours ago — Haiti: +54 cases (now 6486), +6 deaths (now 123) since 23 hours ago05:39
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Coronavirus India lockdown Day 107 live updates | Single source infects 95 in Odisha’s Rourkela: As the number of coronavirus cases in the country continue to climb, the Union Health Ministry has asked all the States and Union Territories to ensur →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: prime minister Scott Morrison holds Hong Kong press conference amid Victoria Covid-19 lockdown →
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: National: Coronavirus India lockdown Day 107 live updates | Single source infects 95 in Odisha’s Rourkela →
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: 96% of Covid-19 patients recover in Beacon pharma’s Favipira trial (84 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: prime minister Scott Morrison holds Hong Kong press conference amid Victoria Covid-19 lockdown →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +5689 cases (now 12.2 million), +169 deaths (now 552636) since an hour ago — Pakistan: +3359 cases (now 240848), +61 deaths (now 4983) since a day ago — Ukraine: +835 cases (now 51457), +17 deaths (now 1323) since 22 hours ago — Kyrgyzstan: +361 cases (now 8847), +4 deaths (now 116) since 22 hours ago07:09
BrainstormUpdates for Ceara, Brazil: +3519 cases (now 128471), +109 deaths (now 6665) since 23 hours ago — Minas Gerais, Brazil: +3138 cases (now 64035), +73 deaths (now 1355) since 23 hours ago — Para, Brazil: +2592 cases (now 118744), +41 deaths (now 5169) since 23 hours ago — Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: +2448 cases (now 72068), +69 deaths (now 2151) since 23 hours ago07:24
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: Melbourne locks down as global cases pass 12m: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; infections worldwide pass 12m ; nearly 3,000 miners infected in Chile . Follow the latest updates →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria records 165 new Covid-19 cases as Melbourne enters lockdown →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: Melbourne locks down as global cases pass 12m: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; infections worldwide pass 12m ; nearly 3,000 miners infected in Chile . Follow the latest updates →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria premier Dan Andrews to hold press conference on cases and Melbourne lockdown →
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Karnataka: Safari at Kabini backwaters suspended due to surge in COVID-19 cases →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: Rishi Sunak's summer statement to come under scrutiny →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Destination of the week: People in Taiwan ride the fantasy flight to nowhere amid pandemic restrictions →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australia news: Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria premier Dan Andrews holds press conference on cases and Melbourne lockdown →
CoronaBot_04/r/coronavirus: Your Mask Cuts Own Risk by 65 Percent (10213 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for World: +1917 cases (now 12.2 million), +54 deaths (now 552690) since 2 hours ago — Armenia: +526 cases (now 30346), +14 deaths (now 535) since 23 hours ago — Slovakia: +53 cases (now 1851) since 23 hours ago — US: +458 cases (now 3.2 million), +5 deaths (now 134867) since 6 hours ago09:35
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: NSW-Victoria border control to be in place for at least six weeks as Queensland and SA clamp down: Victorians to be turned back from Queensland and those entering South Australia will be need to self-isolate, take coronavirus tests and wear a mask →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: Melbourne locks down as global cases pass 12m: Trump’s Tulsa rally ‘likely contributed’ to city’s surge in cases ; infections worldwide pass 12m ; nearly 3,000 miners infected in Chile . Follow the latest updates →
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Uninformed commentary on exclusion of topics from CBSE syllabus: HRD minister: Opposition alleged that chapters on India’s democracy and plurality are being “dropped” to propagate a particular ideology. →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7271 cases (now 12.2 million), +199 deaths (now 552889) since 47 minutes ago — Russia: +6509 cases (now 707301), +176 deaths (now 10843) since a day ago — Israel: +390 cases (now 33947), +2 deaths (now 346) since 12 hours ago — Afghanistan: +314 cases (now 33908), +21 deaths (now 957) since a day ago10:20
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: Rishi Sunak warns 'there are difficult times ahead' →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Business: German exports rise as Covid-19 recovery begins - business live →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Clinical trials for Ayurvedic formulations against COVID-19 to be initiated in India, US →
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Vitamin D and Endothelial Function (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Thanks, Trump.: submitted by /u/OliverMarkusMalloy to r/CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Here's what visiting a theme park is like in the age of coronavirus: Six Flags Great Adventure & Safari is one of 11 theme parks the entertainment giant has opened at limited capacities across the U.S. CNBC spent the day there on July 3. Here's what it's like to visit an amusement park amid anti-coronavirus health and safety protocols. →
BrainstormUpdates for Indonesia: +2657 cases (now 70736), +58 deaths (now 3417) since a day ago — World: +9626 cases (now 12.3 million), +120 deaths (now 553009) since an hour ago — Bangladesh: +3360 cases (now 175494), +41 deaths (now 2238) since a day ago — Oman: +1518 cases (now 51725), +3 deaths (now 236) since a day ago11:35
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Bali island begins to reopen after 3-month virus lockdown →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: repaying crisis debt will take 'decades' and higher taxes likely, says IFS →
BrainstormNew from BMJ: David Oliver: Covid-19 should increase our commitment to publicly funded and provided healthcare: The BBC reports that the UK has been hit hardest by covid-19 among the G7 nations.1 Over the 11 peak pandemic weeks it had the highest increases in deaths, deaths per 100 000 population, and excess... →
BrainstormUpdates for Romania: +614 cases (now 30789), +17 deaths (now 1834) since 23 hours ago — World: +2565 cases (now 12.3 million), +32 deaths (now 553041) since 43 minutes ago — India: +1555 cases (now 771129), +13 deaths (now 21174) since 43 minutes ago — Uganda: +23 cases (now 1000) since a day ago12:06
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: John Lewis to shut eight stores, putting 1,300 jobs at risk - business live: Rolling coverage of the latest economic and financial news, as John Lewis Partnership takes ‘sad but necessary’ decision not to reopen eight stores →
vanzogFeds Charge 4 in Florida With Selling Bleachlike Chemical Mixture as Coronavirus Cure
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Coronavirus: Planned ops in May fell by 80% in England: NHS England figures reveal how the pandemic has changed planned surgery, tests and A&E. →
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Moderna Completes Enrollment of Phase 2 Study of its mRNA Vaccine Against COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) (81 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Brazil press group to sue Prez Bolsonaro for removing mask while announcing he is Covid-19 positive →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +3123 cases (now 12.3 million), +223 deaths (now 553264) since 34 minutes ago — Iran: +2079 cases (now 250458), +221 deaths (now 12305) since a day ago — India: +704 cases (now 771833) since 34 minutes ago — Hong Kong: +42 cases (now 1366) since a day ago12:36
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus live news: global infections pass 12m as outbreaks worsen in US and Australia →
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Covid-19: England must aim for “zero tolerance” to avoid 27 000 predicted deaths, experts say: The UK government should take a “zero tolerance” approach to covid-19 to prevent thousands more deaths, a group of experts from across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland have warned.1The panel,... →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: John Lewis to shut eight stores, putting 1,300 jobs at risk - business live: Rolling coverage of the latest economic and financial news, as John Lewis Partnership takes ‘sad but necessary’ decision not to reopen eight stores →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +1096 cases (now 12.3 million), +14 deaths (now 553278) since 32 minutes ago — Sri Lanka: +57 cases (now 2151) since 16 hours ago — Madagascar: +209 cases (now 3782) since 22 hours ago — Nepal: +108 cases (now 16531) since 22 hours ago13:06
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Workers fight back as hotels try to lay off staff and hire on the cheap: New legislation in California and other states aims to stop big firms using the pandemic to dismiss long-serving employees →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: US supreme court to rule on Trump tax returns while coronavirus cases soar – live updates: Trump criticized Fauci and said US was in a ‘good place’ as cases reached 3m George Floyd told officers ‘I can’t breathe’ more than 20 times, transcripts show Court to rule if congressional committees are allowed to see Trump [... want %more?] →
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Androgen Regulates SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Levels and Is Associated with Severe COVID-19 Symptoms in Men (82 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Kuwait: +833 cases (now 52840), +3 deaths (now 382) since a day ago — World: +857 cases (now 12.3 million), +13 deaths (now 553291) since 51 minutes ago — Namibia: +22 cases (now 615) since a day ago — California, US: +10 deaths (now 6723) since 10 hours ago13:51
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: repaying crisis debt will take 'decades' and higher taxes likely, says IFS →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Destination of the week: Tourists in Spain will soon be able to enjoy coronavirus-free ‘Paradise’ vacation →
James57is covid 19 a phys op ?14:17
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating as global review announced: WHO appoints committee to evaluate response to Covid-19 crisis ; Serbia considers new lockdown after second night of riots; Infections worldwide pass 12m →
James57how do you know?14:29
James57thats exactly what a phys op does14:30
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Persons with disabilities seek hike in relief: Persons with disabilities have urged the government to hike the relief given to them in view of the COVID 19 pandemic to ₹5000 from ₹1000.Members of t →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Donald Trump: US supreme court to rule on Trump tax returns while coronavirus cases soar – live updates →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7118 cases (now 12.3 million), +150 deaths (now 553441) since an hour ago — Kenya: +447 cases (now 8975), +4 deaths (now 173) since a day ago — Dem. Rep. Congo: +414 cases (now 7846), +7 deaths (now 189) since 2 days ago — Brazil: +3464 cases (now 1.7 million), +34 deaths (now 68089) since 13 hours ago14:51
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating as global review announced: WHO appoints committee to evaluate response to Covid-19 crisis ; Serbia considers new lockdown after second night of riots; Infections worldwide pass 12m →
BrainstormNew from NIH Director's blog: Meet the Researcher Leading NIH’s COVID-19 Vaccine Development Efforts: A safe, effective vaccine is the ultimate tool needed to end the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Biomedical researchers are making progress every day towards such a vaccine, whether it’s devising innovative technologies or figuring [... want %more?] →
Urchin[emacs]%data croatia15:12
BrainstormUrchin[emacs]: In Croatia, there have been 3416 confirmed cases (0.1% of the population) and 115 deaths (3.4% of cases) as of 23 minutes ago. 89764 tests were performed (3.8% positive). See for time series data.15:12
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: repaying crisis debt will take 'decades' and higher taxes likely, says IFS →
oxaliscan someone ELI5 the androgen thing??15:15
NoImNotNineVoltthere's an androgen thing?15:32
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): United warns 36,000 employees of potential job cuts as pandemic roils travel demand →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: repaying crisis debt will take 'decades' and higher taxes likely, says IFS →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7007 cases (now 12.3 million), +232 deaths (now 553673) since an hour ago — United Kingdom: +642 cases (now 287621), +85 deaths (now 44602) since 23 hours ago — Saudi Arabia: +3183 cases (now 223327), +41 deaths (now 2100) since a day ago — North Macedonia: +166 cases (now 7572), +3 deaths (now 362) since a day ago15:52
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Madurai: 600 fresh COVID-19 cases in 6 days →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Coronavirus: Data shows cases in England falling: Two reports charting coronavirus show cases in England falling - with Leicester also seeing a fall. →
BrainstormNew from The Hindu: Seven more cases in Kottayam: Total number of active cases in the district is 127 →
LjLtoo much The Hindu, removing16:36
BrainstormUpdates for World: +9316 cases (now 12.3 million), +272 deaths (now 553945) since 48 minutes ago — India: +8188 cases (now 780054), +243 deaths (now 21417) since 48 minutes ago — Maryland, US: +586 cases (now 71447), +13 deaths (now 3288) since a day ago — US: +723 cases (now 3.2 million), +20 deaths (now 134940) since 48 minutes ago16:37
Jigsy%cases UK16:40
BrainstormJigsy: In United Kingdom, there have been 287621 confirmed cases (0.4% of the population) and 44602 deaths (15.5% of cases) as of 51 minutes ago. 11.3 million tests were performed (2.5% positive). See for time series data.16:40
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating as global review announced: WHO appoints committee to evaluate response to Covid-19 crisis ; Serbia considers new lockdown after second night of riots; Infections worldwide pass 12m →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: Top 15 Country by Total Coronavirus Cases (31 December 2019 to 8 July 2020) →
Brainstormnixonix: From Italy: Bergamo hospital intensive care unit is covid-19 free16:56
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: gym announcement imminent; all state school pupils in Wales to return in September →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +10263 cases (now 12.3 million), +133 deaths (now 554078) since 36 minutes ago — US: +9061 cases (now 3.2 million), +119 deaths (now 135059) since 36 minutes ago — Florida, US: +8935 cases (now 232718), +119 deaths (now 4009) since 23 hours ago — Iowa, US: +126 cases (now 33012) since 36 minutes ago17:07
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): CDC won't change school reopening guidelines Trump says are too tough, but more direction is coming →
BrainstormUpdates for Greece: +50 cases (now 3672) since 23 hours ago — World: +96 cases (now 12.3 million) since 18 minutes ago — Tajikistan: +46 cases (now 6410) since a day ago17:22
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: gym announcement imminent; all state school pupils in Wales to return in September →
BrainstormNew from The Atlantic: The Tragic Loss of Coronavirus Patients’ Final Words: Of all the wrongdoings of this pandemic, the one that haunts me most is how people are left to die alone. Health-care workers have been heroic throughout all this, but they do not replace the loved ones whom the dying need to be with, and speak with, even if only one last [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Global COVID Cases For 09JUL20 →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +18535 cases (now 12.3 million), +402 deaths (now 554480) since 34 minutes ago — India: +10595 cases (now 790649), +169 deaths (now 21586) since an hour ago — Arizona, US: +4057 cases (now 112671), +75 deaths (now 2038) since a day ago — US: +4073 cases (now 3.2 million), +93 deaths (now 135152) since 48 minutes ago17:52
BrainstormUpdates for Alabama, US: +2212 cases (now 49174), +10 deaths (now 1068) since a day ago — North Carolina, US: +1739 cases (now 79349) since 16 hours ago — World: +5757 cases (now 12.3 million), +69 deaths (now 554549) since 18 minutes ago — US: +4843 cases (now 3.2 million), +48 deaths (now 135200) since 18 minutes ago18:07
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: UK coronavirus live: Oliver Dowden hosts press briefing as gyms and pools to reopen this month in England →
BrainstormUpdates for Minnesota, US: +574 cases (now 40163), +5 deaths (now 1528) since 23 hours ago — World: +1589 cases (now 12.3 million), +20 deaths (now 554569) since 18 minutes ago — US: +1216 cases (now 3.2 million), +11 deaths (now 135211) since 18 minutes ago — Oklahoma, US: +603 cases (now 18496), +3 deaths (now 410) since 23 hours ago18:22
BrainstormUpdates for World: +1967 cases (now 12.3 million), +10 deaths (now 554579) since 18 minutes ago — Dominican Rep.: +1202 cases (now 40790), +13 deaths (now 842) since a day ago — North Dakota, US: +99 cases (now 4070) since a day ago — Montana, US: +95 cases (now 1466), +2 deaths (now 25) since 23 hours ago18:37
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating as global review announced: WHO appoints committee to evaluate response to Covid-19 crisis ; Serbia considers new lockdown after second night of riots; Infections worldwide pass 12m →
CoronaBot_04/r/coronavirus: Florida man, His 3 Sons Who Sold Toxic Bleach As COVID-19 Miracle Cure Charged (10147 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirusInfo: Coronavirus Therapeutic Treatment : The Potential of Lenzilumab →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +15172 cases (now 12.3 million), +361 deaths (now 554940) since 49 minutes ago — Brazil: +7619 cases (now 1.7 million), +266 deaths (now 68355) since 4 hours ago — US: +2690 cases (now 3.2 million), +29 deaths (now 135242) since 49 minutes ago — India: +2637 cases (now 794196), +27 deaths (now 21622) since 49 minutes ago19:23
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating; 624 Romania patients discharge themselves from hospital →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Australian universities: Almost half of Australian PhD students considering disengaging from studies due to pandemic →
BrainstormUpdates for Wisconsin, US: +754 cases (now 33908), +2 deaths (now 809) since 22 hours ago — World: +1861 cases (now 12.3 million), +63 deaths (now 555003) since 19 minutes ago — US: +1251 cases (now 3.2 million), +39 deaths (now 135281) since 19 minutes ago — New York, US: +497 cases (now 424760), +32 deaths (now 32343) since 16 hours ago19:44
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Hydroxychloroquine as an aerosol might markedly reduce and even prevent severe clinical symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection (86 votes) | |
LjLmaybe 100 years from now we'll know whether hydroxychloroquine is objectively useful without fear of results being politically/economically influenced19:49
LjL"Empirical data on self-medication with a one-week aerosol application by two of the authors is presented. Inhalation was well tolerated without relevant side effects."19:52
LjLthat's what the study really says. they tried it themselves and didn't die.19:52
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: High levels of SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cells with restricted functionality in patients with severe course of COVID-19 (83 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Ireland: +23 cases (now 25565), +5 deaths (now 1743) since 13 hours ago — World: +40 cases (now 12.3 million), +5 deaths (now 555008) since 19 minutes ago — Germany: +16 cases (now 198942) since 34 minutes ago — Iowa, US: +1 cases (now 33124) since 34 minutes ago19:53
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Business: Boots to cut 4,000 jobs as John Lewis to shut eight stores, putting 1,300 jobs at risk - as it happened →
LjLsome moron came here from Bangladesh, was found positive and supposed to self-quarantine, instead he travelled by train around central Italy for five days, until he was caught with cough and fever at Fiumicino airport20:04
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: UK coronavirus live: beauty salons, outdoor theatres, gyms and pools to reopen in England: Dowden says beauty salons can reopen on Monday; theatres can put on outdoor shows from this weekend; repaying crisis debt will take ‘decades’ and higher taxes likely , says IFS →
BrainstormUpdates for Djibouti: +66 cases (now 4955), +1 deaths (now 56) since 23 hours ago — Maldives: +36 cases (now 2553) since 23 hours ago — World: +343 cases (now 12.3 million), +35 deaths (now 555043) since 24 minutes ago — New Jersey, US: +164 cases (now 177625), +32 deaths (now 15448) since 17 hours ago20:08
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Airborne transmission of coronavirus in restaurants, gyms and other closed spaces can't be ruled out, WHO says →
LjLthe interesting thing is that it couldn't be ruled out ALL ALONG either20:16
LjLbut before they were being very duplicitous about it ("no evidence")20:16
ubLIX[m]there is no evidence the WHO wasn't not being not duplicitous20:19
ubLIX[m]i hope that is clear20:19
izare you being ironic?20:19
izoh you are20:19
BrainstormUpdates for World: +2898 cases (now 12.3 million), +29 deaths (now 555072) since 20 minutes ago — US: +2896 cases (now 3.2 million), +29 deaths (now 135342) since 20 minutes ago — South Carolina, US: +1782 cases (now 50691), +21 deaths (now 905) since 23 hours ago — Ohio, US: +1114 cases (now 61331), +8 deaths (now 3006) since 17 hours ago20:23
izyeah, silly is more apt, ironic only fits under alanis song rules20:24
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: California and Florida hit record for average daily coronavirus cases as U.S. hospitalizations surge: Florida also saw a spike in the percentage of positive Covid-19 tests at 18.4% on Wednesday, after Vice President Mike Pence said the state's so-called positivity rate was "flattening." →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: California: Covid-19 cases tied to fraternity parties disrupt UC Berkeley’s reopening plans →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7195 cases (now 12.3 million), +55 deaths (now 555127) since an hour ago — Costa Rica: +649 cases (now 6485) since 14 hours ago — US: +5555 cases (now 3.2 million), +46 deaths (now 135388) since an hour ago — Georgia (US), US: +2837 cases (now 106727), +8 deaths (now 2930) since a day ago21:23
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: Air recirculation role in the infection with COVID-19, lessons learned from Diamond Princess cruise ship (80 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for South Dakota, US: +94 cases (now 7336), +3 deaths (now 101) since a day ago — US: +610 cases (now 3.2 million), +26 deaths (now 135414) since 20 minutes ago — World: +610 cases (now 12.3 million), +26 deaths (now 555153) since 20 minutes ago — North Carolina, US: +290 cases (now 79639), +23 deaths (now 1491) since 3 hours ago21:38
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating; 624 Romania patients discharge themselves from hospital →
CoronaBot_04/r/coronavirus: If someone asks: What's the evidence for mask wearing? Here is a list of *SEVENTY* papers, including reviews/meta-analysis and individual studies, in reverse chronological order. (10444 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: California and Florida hit record for average daily coronavirus cases as U.S. hospitalizations surge: Florida also saw a spike in the percentage of positive Covid-19 tests at 18.4% on Wednesday, after Vice President Mike Pence said the state's so-called positivity rate was "flattening." →
BrainstormUpdates for South Africa: +13674 cases (now 238339), +118 deaths (now 3720) since 21 hours ago — World: +17894 cases (now 12.4 million), +157 deaths (now 555310) since 34 minutes ago — US: +3899 cases (now 3.2 million), +38 deaths (now 135452) since 34 minutes ago — Texas, US: +2640 cases (now 232259), +18 deaths (now 2962) since 19 hours ago22:08
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus live news: WHO says pandemic still accelerating; 624 Romania patients discharge themselves from hospital →
BrainstormUpdates for Oregon, US: +371 cases (now 11188), +6 deaths (now 230) since a day ago — Massachusetts, US: +295 cases (now 110897), +25 deaths (now 8268) since a day ago — US: +1923 cases (now 3.2 million), +48 deaths (now 135500) since 21 minutes ago — World: +1923 cases (now 12.4 million), +48 deaths (now 555358) since 21 minutes ago22:23
BrainstormUpdates for World: +7490 cases (now 12.4 million), +104 deaths (now 555462) since 36 minutes ago — US: +6306 cases (now 3.2 million), +40 deaths (now 135540) since 36 minutes ago — California, US: +4325 cases (now 300400), +16 deaths (now 6739) since 9 hours ago — Egypt: +950 cases (now 79254), +53 deaths (now 3617) since a day ago22:54
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Airborne transmission of coronavirus in restaurants, gyms and other closed spaces can't be ruled out, WHO says →
CoronaBot_04/r/covid19: The best (and worst) materials for masks (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Guardian: Coronavirus live news: fears as first case reported in rebel-held Syrian camps: WHO says pandemic is still accelerating; Hundreds of Romanians check themselves out of hospital; Serbia considers new lockdown →
LjLi don't think this holidays reopening of Schengen is going to work out well23:33
LjLItaly is now banning entry from a number of countries (since the EU-wide ban on mostly everyone has huge exceptions for seasonal workers and workers in general), but is that effective when those people can just enter another Schengen country and then go to Italy from there?23:33
nixonixfinns are banned?23:40
nixonixno worries, take your time23:40
BrainstormUpdates for World: +34902 cases (now 12.4 million), +939 deaths (now 556401) since an hour ago — Brazil: +28500 cases (now 1.8 million), +829 deaths (now 69184) since 4 hours ago — US: +5290 cases (now 3.2 million), +106 deaths (now 135646) since an hour ago — Bulgaria: +330 cases (now 6672), +3 deaths (now 262) since 23 hours ago23:54
LjLnixonix, lol, i don't think so (besides finland is in schengen)23:59

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