libera/##covid-19/ Sunday, 2022-05-29

BrainstormUpdates for Israel: +2822 cases since 2 days ago — Ethiopia: +184 cases since 23 hours ago00:07
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The US current BA.2/BA.2.12.1 wave may be extended by the BA.4/5 variants, owing to their growth advantage and higher fitness, as aptly reviewed here… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The progression of the virus's fitness throughout the pandemic. Fitness encompasses a lineage's growth, Ro reproduction number, immune-evasiveness and generation time. Graph doesn't include BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/5 which are more fit than [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for India: +1674 cases since 15 hours ago — Bahrain: +454 cases, +3561 tests since a day ago — Kenya: +128 cases, +2303 tests since a day ago01:03
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: How Can Wastewater Testing Predict COVID-19 Outbreaks? | Technology Networks →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD): via NYT: A wave of parents has been radicalized by Covid-era misinformation to reject ordinary childhood immunizations with potentially lethal consequencesMy thought: Backlash to federal vax mandate also made rejection of other vaccines more [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Lessons from the ‘long COVID’ clinic: 2 years into the pandemic, pulmonologists are still trying to understand the mysterious syndrome that can follow COVID-19 infections →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: SARS-CoV-2 infection: Initial viral load (iVL) predicts severity of illness/outcome, and declining trend of iVL in hospitalized patients corresponds with slowing of the pandemic →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): I attempted to make a graph to highlight this point of *intrinsic* virulence increasing up to 3 times via diff't (sub)variants during the pandemic, which has been misinterpreted. The point is made below w/data above and the graph has been deleted.… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD): It was previously observed by @Tuliodna that countries with large BA.2 waves, which includes the U.S., had (so far) not seen as rapid growth of BA.4 and BA.5… →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 904: 50 years of reverse transcriptase: Vincent travels to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to speak with David Baltimore, John Coffin, and Harold Various about the discovery in 1970 of retroviral reverse transcriptase and its impact on life sciences research. →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: Impact of COVID-19 second booster vaccine on all-cause death among older cohorts - the second booster dose of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination lowered all-cause death in long-term care home residents [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Sao Paulo, Brazil: +6707 cases, +26 deaths since a day ago — Metropolitana, Chile: +5651 cases, +3 deaths since a day ago — Valparaiso, Chile: +1180 cases, +3 deaths since a day ago — Shiga, Japan: +397 cases since a day ago08:09
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: cookiebandit (@cookiebandit): Taiwan case reports today: 76539 local cases and 145 deaths. 66 inbound traveler cases (37 at the airport and  29 while in quarantine). →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | May 29, 2022: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to animals and potential host adaptation →
BrainstormUpdates for Brunei: +217 cases since a day ago13:04
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Global COVID Cases For 29MAY22 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tom Wenseleers (@TWenseleers): Cool analysis by @ftzo of selective benefit of different SARS-CoV2 lineages & mutations based on global analysis of all of the @GISAID data. There have been positively selected mutations, not just in spike, but also in the N, ORF7a, ORF3a & ORF1a genes. [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: COVID-19 in 2022—The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? | 27MAY22 →
BrainstormUpdates for Saudi Arabia: +530 cases, +1 deaths since a day ago14:07
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): 29/05/22 - ZOE COVID-19 Study Update: 1,634,367 people are currently predicted to have symptomatic COVID-19 in the UK, down by 9,622. Yesterday was 1,643,989 (-1%) and last Sunday was 1,716,782 (-5%). →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tom Wenseleers (@TWenseleers): That sort of alternation between different serotypes over subsequent years is e.g. seen in influenza B (and also in human coronavirus OC43). →
BrainstormUpdates for Qatar: +198 cases since a day ago15:10
BrainstormNew from r/Science: science: Crazy Facts About "Bikini Atoll Test Site" For Nuclear Tests →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): "We could have more Warp Speeds — for therapeutics, for ventilation systems, for rapid global provision of vaccine technology."… by @dwallacewells @nytopinion →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Humoral Immunity to SARS-Cov-2 and Inferred Protection From Infection in a French Lingitudinal Community Cohort →
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +15136 cases, +27 deaths, +142066 tests since a day ago — Germany: +2516 cases since 19 hours ago — Canada: +556 cases, +2 deaths since 19 hours ago19:02
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Boosters still protect against COVID variants, new MN data shows: Minnesota health data shows Unvaccinated seniors are about four times as likely to die and five times as likely to be hospitalized →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: New BA.4, BA.5 subvariants of COVID-19 found for first time in the Sacramento area →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: India - BA.4, BA.5 subvariants of Omicron evade immunity, need to keep a watch on hospitalisation, says researcher: "both, Delta and BA.2, are already prevalent in the community & due to high vaccination, which has given [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter:    Mevr. Dieren_Doc      (@Dieren_Doc): One in eight adults hospitalized with COVID-19 subsequently develops myocarditis, often leading to impaired exercise capacity and health-related quality of life, according to an ongoing study looking at the clinical long-term effects of the [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter:    Mevr. Dieren_Doc      (@Dieren_Doc): Weekly COVID-19 cases in children passed 100,000 in the United States for the first time since late February as pediatric incidence rose for the 6th consecutive week, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Quantitative and Qualitative Difference in Antibody Response against Omicron and Ancestral SARS-CoV-2 after Third and Fourth Vaccination →
BrainstormUpdates for France: +16440 cases, +1 deaths since a day ago22:09
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +980 cases, +3 deaths since 23 hours ago23:06
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, MD PhD   (@michaelzlin): Beautiful day on the Santa Cruz boardwalk. On one hand, we can celebrate how vaccines have given most the freedom to not worry about severe disease. Scientists can be proud.OTOH would be better if more peoplr masked to reduce transmission. "Up to [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, MD PhD   (@michaelzlin): Indeed transmission is very high in the Bay Area now... Wastewater lSARSCOV2 levels are as high as the BA.1 peak! We're clearly underreporting. So it's actually a risky time for the immunocompromised to be out without masks.Seems we are on the way [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Do I have Long COVID? As many as 23 million Americans want to know, as more than 200 symptoms emerge →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: Tiny shark-derived antibodies broadly neutralize most SARS-CoV-2 variants →

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