libera/#devuan-arm/ Wednesday, 2021-08-18

agneliVall: on that machine I see no difference in speed between the dongle and and the sdcard slot07:19
VallI need some info on how well (if at all) KVM/QEMU is running on Linux ARM64, specially on the Raspberry Pi4. Can anyone please help?16:37
VallI'm about to make a major (for me) hardware investment, and want to check whether what I want to do is viable/doable/stable16:37
VallThe general idea is that I need to buy a Rpi3 or Rpi4 with at least 1GB of RAM to run a semi-closed/proprietary OS, this one to be precise:
VallIt comes in the form of a image to burn into a SD card and boot from it16:37
VallUnderneath it runs a linux kernel16:37
VallSo, my idea is to buy a RPi4 8GB instead of a RPi3 1GB, install Devuan, then create a KVM/QEMU virtual machine to boot the above image16:37
VallI would need to passthrough a couple of USB ports to that VM plus bridge its IP traffic, but everything else is self-contained16:37
VallThat way, I have all the rest of the Rpi4 to play with other VMs, all running under Linux awesomeness :-)16:37
VallSo, is it viable/doable/stable/etc?16:37
adhocVall: in theory, yes.,18:11
adhocI have used UTM QEMU on a Mac M1 to run an ARM64 Linux.18:11
adhocAlso x86-64, that was crap18:12
adhocdon't have a RPi4 to test on, there is just no stock locally... =(18:12
adhocVall: jump on the -arm channel, ask there.18:12
adhocoh, oops, this is the -arm channel =P18:13
adhocVall: there will be folk on later that probably can help =)18:13
Valladhoc: thanks!23:18
Valladhoc: so you actually used QEMU on an aarch64 host (the Mac M1) to virtualize an aarch64 VM guest running linux! Man, you are the first person I found that actually did that!23:21
Valladhoc: have you used USB passthrough from the host to this VM?23:21

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