libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2021-12-09

aitorsystemdlete: i use qemu-system-x86_64 in the command line00:10
systemdletefsmithred:  As soon as *I* figure it out, lol!00:11
systemdletethere is scant doc on aqemu sadly.  But most of it is fairly intuitive.  Moreover, it seems to be much more complete than VMM.00:12
systemdleteaitor:  Does that launch a GUI, or is it just plain command line?00:12
* systemdlete has always wished that open source culture demanded thorough documentation to be considered par with the definition of open source.00:14
aitorjust plain command line, and first you need to create a raw or qcow2 image00:14
systemdleteaitor:  Thanks.  I'll take a look at that later.00:14
systemdleteOne disaster at a time here.00:14
aitorhere you are some info about raw and qcow images:00:15
aitori've been looking at the code used to generate the installer isos of devuan, is Ralph the mantainer of the installer isos?00:23
gast0nHi, Has anyone had problems with network-manager in the desktop-live version of Chimaera, with a wired connection? It cannot connect via dhcp, in the beta versions it had not had that problem00:24
aitori'm referring to this program:00:24
aitorhi gast0n00:25
gast0naitor: o/00:25
rrqaitor: hi00:25
aitorhi rrq00:25
aitori've been playing with your code during these days...00:26
rrqlike xmas I suppose :)00:27
aitorah, ok!00:27
aitorrrq, this is the result:00:28
aitori tested the netinstall images and the desktop images, and everithing went fine00:29
aitorthere is an issue related to libc6-udeb, but the build process goes ahead00:31
rrqI suppose those link up to your distribution as primary source list00:31
aitoryes, gnuinos is a fully amprolla setup and all the packages are pulled from
rrqvery good00:33
aitorthere are only a few packages for chimaera, but the kernel is one of them, and the installer worked00:33
aitorbuilding the packages of the kernel is a bit hard, and it took me a lot of time to figure out the signing procedure00:34
aitorsince gnuinos chimaera uses linux-libre-5.10.83-gnu1 instead of linux-5.10.70-1, i couldn't use the sources of linux-signed-amd64 and linux-signed-i38600:36
aitorthe generate the signed packages and also the udeb modules required by d-i00:37
aitorat this point, i have a doubt...00:37
aitorare these signatures M$'s signatures for the secure boot?00:38
rrqI think debian has "its own signing key" but I don't know about that level; I just pack stuff into th einstaller :)00:40
aitori just removed all the *.sig files from the sources, leaving the resulting packages unsigned, in order to generate the udeb modules00:42
aitorotherwise, my wmlinuz and so on would be replaced by debian's00:43
rrqafaiui theres a UEFI signage level where it accepts (or not) to run the .efi programs and then a second level signage for the kernel loading; I don't know of a third level tahat would require packages (debs or udebs) to be signed other than the shasumming (for transport verification)00:45
rrqthough, it's not my area00:47
rrqand debian has lots of helpers nowadays so anything may have happened recently00:47
aitoryes, i guess...00:48
aitorno worries, i never signed the kernel00:48
aitorbtw... rrq, i added a couple of folders in the parent directory of your sources: one of them containing the scripts of debootstrap (first and second levels), and the other one containg the gpg keys, that is, devuan-archive-keyring.gpg, gnuinos-archive-keyring.gpg... required by debootstrap00:50
aitorbecause i couldn't use a http_proxy00:51
aitorgaston, rrq, see you tomorrow00:53
aitor0:55 here00:53
rrqok. yes, that'd make it less dependent on the build host... night00:54
aitorbye ralph :)00:54
aitorgood present for xmas :)00:54
msiismApparently, is no more. Has the content been transferred to another place?14:18
golinuxmsiism: Yes, there is no more wiki.  Neither is there a replacement option yet.17:30
golinuxIIUC, FlibberT1 has a backup and rrq has a wiki-to-be installed somewhere but no taker to develop/admin etc.17:32
msiismOkay, thanks.17:32
golinuxHi! Nice to see you!!17:32
golinuxIf you're interested in taking it on, ping rrq.17:32
msiismI guess I won't be able to do that, sorry. I just wnated to look something up and thought it was in my backup of the wiki. But it wasn't.17:33
golinuxLooks like it's here just where you'd expect it to be
msiismI see.17:34
golinuxIt needs some love and expertise17:35
msiismWell, someone will take on the task, eventually. I'll ask FlibberT1 about a full backup of the FOD wiki.17:37
hapsre; i'm having trouble installing devuan, the chroot isn't working despite the chroot folder having the right contents.17:52
hapsI'm installing with a separate boot & home, both encrypted.  My drive layout is 256M fat32 esp, 512M ext4, 16G swap, 64G / ext4, the rest /home ext4.  I'm new to this esp partitioning, but the installer doesn't complain until it tries invoking chroot.17:59
hapshmmm, interesting, it looks like the old partition information was somehow used, despite writing the changes.  A reboot fixed the installer.18:29
ham5urgHas anyone tried pipewire so far?20:29
* av6 tries pipewire...21:51
av6yep, it works21:52
av6running as user using xfce's session autostart21:52
av6actually using dmix and dsnoop nodes, but it obviously works with hardware directly, considering that's the intended way21:53
ham5urg_I started pipewire, pipewire-media-session, pipewire-pulse with a file self created /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80pipewire21:58
ham5urg_But it does lack stability, av6, how did you do it?21:58
av6just added pipewire to xfce session somewhere in gui and edited /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf to include -pulse and -media-session22:02
av6nowadays running wireplumber instead of pipewire-media-session22:02
av6after the initial effort to make it run like i wanted it to, never had any stability issues22:03
av6but my audio setup is pretty basic, no bluetooth22:04
av6just input from dsnoop and output to dmix22:04
av6although some jack apps could misbehave if used with pipewire with jack compatibility libs22:31
av6i think i remember making qjackctl lock up or crash when pressing random buttons like start and stop22:32
av6maybe it locked pipewire at some point and needed to be kill-9'd22:32
av6also recording in audacity didn't work correctly and was breaking sound in general until pipewire was restarted, but only on one box and a while ago, could be fixed by now22:36
av6qjackctl also crashed on me on some early versions of pipewire a couple of times, when managing the audio graph, so i guess jack compatibility wasn't there yet22:39
av6didn't try the same thing recently though22:39
av6so if you're doing pro audio on jack maybe don't switch to pipewire yet22:40
ham5urg_av6, can you post your pipewire.conf on some pastebin?22:43
av6the only meaningful change i have there is running wireplumber and pipewire-pulse as subprocesses and my own dmix/dsnoop devices that aren't needed for regular setup22:45
av6    { path = "/usr/bin/wireplumber" args = "" }22:46
av6    { path = "/usr/bin/pipewire-pulse" args = "" }22:46
av6and even that is not needed if you run these processes separately, together with pipewire22:46
av6the rest of the file is the same as /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf22:46
av6what stability issues do you have? you can try running pipewire in a terminal and see if it shows any messages22:47
av6also there's #pipewire on OFTC22:47
ham5urg_Sometimes pulsewire did not switch the source/sink. I have edited my pipewire.conf and will restart X.22:50
av6well if you're getting audio at all using pulse driver, then pipewire-pulse is already up and running, no need to run it twice22:53
av6switch how?22:53
ham5urgVia the Gnome menu22:53
av6switch how?22:53
av6on? off?22:53
ham5urgTo another source, mic-bluetooth, mic-buildin22:54
av6i'm tempted to call this a gnome issue, but try and see what e.g. pavucontrol shows when this happens22:55
av6maybe even peek at the graph in a jack application that shows it, like `pw-jack qjackctl`22:55
ham5urgNow it looks good, but it killed the Gnome-Bluetooth-Settings22:56
ham5urgCan't connect via bluetooth22:56
av6could be a pipewire-media-session issue too, backup plan could be using wireplumber instead of p-m-s22:56
av6can't help with bluetooth at all, sorry22:56
ham5urgJust needed to restart bluetoothd23:01
ham5urgav6, thanks, now it works23:01

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