libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2022-10-05

FilipZ1Nvm. I corrected it.00:08
FilipZ1It seem to be saved correctly now.00:10
rrqok I've set up an nc receiver at again for you01:01
rrqI'm a bit busy today so will be on-off here01:01
FilipZrrq: Again, the only thing I can see here is the "502 Bad Gateway".02:11
FilipZ"Could not add your entry to the paste database: do not spam" on the "". What is it even supposed to mean? -_- The log file was of right size, as I split it.02:13
FilipZI need to share this .log file. I only see there a couple of files to download.02:15
rrqI've set up an nc listener like before...02:16
FilipZI didn't understand what was this command you mentioned earlier for.02:18
rrqnc -w 2 12000 < logfile02:18
rrqthat sends "logfile" via tcp to host port 12000 then waits 2 seconds at end02:19
FilipZDone. I sent it, I think.02:19
rrqmmm nope .. hmm02:20
FilipZ"invalid port"02:20
rrqlet's try again02:21
FilipZAgain, it lasts so long, like before, so it is probably the same.02:21
rrqsomething goes wrong02:22
rrq.. nothing received02:24
FilipZThis command is still in progress to me02:25
rrqmaybe use: nc -w 2 12000 < logfile02:26
FilipZSorry. Earlier it was my fault. I somehow forgot to add <02:29
FilipZBut now with it I get an answer: "(UNKNOWN) [] 12000 (?) : Connection refused"02:29
rrqok got 187677 bytes02:30
rrqlooks like the strace dump02:31
FilipZRight. It is of this size.02:33
rrqline 1356: bringing up wlan0 yields in i/o error02:34
FilipZSo what to do next?02:36
rrqsuggest h/w issue with wlan0 ... does wpa_supplicant write to syslog?02:36
rrqit would have made a note when wlan0 "failed"02:37
rrqI mean when it went down before02:37
FilipZIt does. I don't know whether the verbosity is enough, but it does02:38
rrqcould you paste its error lines to
rrqit does suggest h/w issue or possibly some mistaken power management02:40
rrqpossibly the least expensive is to get a USB dongle of "well supported by linux" kind; depends on how you value your time :)02:42
FilipZHere. From that time. The log file modification timestamp is 04:08.02:43
rrqis the firmware installed & loaded?02:46
rrqiwlwifi looks unhappy already at start02:47
rrqif you have /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-7265D-22.ucode as well as /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-7265D-29.ucode then maybe try moving the latter file to /root for using the older firmware02:53
rrqbut, I'm far from expert about firmware either in general or this specifically02:54
rrqmy advice just came from a couple of seconds websearch02:55
rrqthe reason for moving iwlwifi-7265D-29.ucode to /root is for "backup" so you can put it back if there's no improvement02:57
FilipZI thought that the newest iwlwifi firmware is installed and loaded. That would be the higher of 2 versions.03:14
FilipZHow should I check it?03:14
FilipZShould I simply move the higher numbered version to the /root directory?03:17
rrqand it looked like the kernel kept reloading so presumably it will try again and now found the -22.ucode03:18
FilipZI did so. What should I do now?03:27
FilipZifdown, then ifup?03:27
rrqyes .. and keep an eye on syslog I suppose03:27
FilipZEverything works for now. There are 3 iwlwifi related messages from the time when I turned on the interface, but they don't mention any version.03:33
rrqsounds good03:34
rrqat/after reboot there should be some mentioning about loading the firmware in either syslog or kern.log03:35
rrqbut while it's working it's working :)03:35
FilipZSo thanks for the help! :) Why was it the older iwlwfi driver that should be left, though?04:02
FilipZrrq: My connection just started breaking again.05:03
FilipZ here are the syslog messages from this time.05:06
FilipZBy that it started breaking, I meant that there was a random disconnection, not that there was an issue where I couldn't do ifup.05:08
FilipZAt least this didn't happen yet.05:09
FilipZI did ifdown, ifup to make sure that it will work possibly more stable for a while, then I checked the dhclient processes, and here are 3.05:11
FilipZMy connection malfunctions again. It didn't completely break yet, but it disconnects repeatedly, and when it doesn't there is a high packet loss07:03
FilipZrrq: Are you here?07:03
rrqFilipZ: right.. kill any "spurious" dhclient (after ifdown)07:34
FilipZI did so.07:35
rrqis syslog "better"? .. like the last one you pasted, which shows an ok reconnection07:35
rrqdisconnection might be due to "weak service".. sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning incldes signal strength info07:37
rrqsignal level above -50 dBm should be fine07:39
FilipZrrq: It is the part when it malfunctioned last time08:04
FilipZI pasted 2 previous earlier, the latter one being a simillar case, when it didn08:04
FilipZ't yet broke completely, just the connection malfunctioned.08:06
FilipZAnd yes, It did reconnect automatically.08:06
FilipZBut it is still as bad as earlier.08:07
rrqsignal level?08:08
FilipZ"sudo iwlist wlan0" returns "iwlist: unknown command `wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help')"08:10
rrqpackage wireless-tools08:10
FilipZwpa_gui describes my current wi-fi connection, at the moment as with -72 dBm signal strength.08:11
rrqthat's weak08:12
FilipZBut I have my internet access point about 30cm from my PC08:12
FilipZThe hotspot, I mean08:13
rrqwhat happens ti the signla if you move it to 60cm ?08:13
FilipZI moved it 2 meters away, and it displays the same value for now08:14
rrqok.. mmm what does "sudo iwconfig wlan0" say about "invalid" and "missed"?08:17
FilipZ1I moved it 2m away and then it kept displaying -72dBm of the signal strength, and at some moment it broke completely again, so I cannot do ifup wlan008:21
rrqweak signal may be caused by either end, but -70 is very weak08:25
rrqdoes iwlist scanning show other APs, with stronger signals? (unless you are out in the bush of course)08:26
rrqis the hotspot in a case? and same signal without case?08:28
rrqmaybe you should look into USB tethering08:29
FilipZ1It did show more earlier, when it didn't break yet, I think08:31
FilipZ1I meant that part of wpa_gui that lists the available networks.08:32
FilipZ1That hotspot is just made by the phone. Its thin case doesn't make much difference, I think08:33
FilipZ1Should I do Strace again, when in this problem state?08:35
FilipZ1And as I mentioned earlier08:40
FilipZ1    "sudo iwlist wlan0" returned "iwlist: unknown command `wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help')"08:40
FilipZ1It still does. I do have the wireless-tools package installed08:41
FilipZ1And for now it cannot scan for the networks, when I cannot ifup wlan0 anyways, right?08:42
FilipZ1Should I just restart the system now, or check output of some command as it is now08:43
rrqmaybe "iwconfig wlan0" would show something08:58
rrqthough, if the receiver is the cause of the weak signal maybe the best and cheapest is to get a new one09:00
gnarfaceall my testing points to a widespread problem with wifi drivers in the linux kernel causing this09:03
gnarfacedoesn't affect all hardware, but the only thing i could find that didn't have the problem and supported host mode and supported recent wifi security standards was something i had to patch the kernel for specifically (the pine64 sdio module for their A64 SoCs)09:05
gnarface(this thing:
gnarfacethe only successful mitigation factor for the other stuff was to stay within 1 foot of the host and keep a constant ping running09:07
gnarfacei suspect the issue is actually power management related09:07
gnarfacebut it's not affecting linux clients with most proprietary host devices, so i assume this comes down to some more proprietary shenanigans09:08
gnarfacecouldn't say which kernel it appeared in first, hadn't been using wifi for a long time09:09
gnarfacemaybe nothing past 802.11b ever actually worked right09:09
FilipZ1rrq: iwconfig wlan0 gives the exact same output that I described before.09:25
FilipZ1How can I fully restart the wireless device, without restarting the system?09:26
gnarfacedown the network, unload the driver, unplug the device, count to 1009:29
gnarfacethat might work09:29
gnarfaceprobably won't help, but it should reset the device09:29
Walexyes, often 'rmmod' and 'modprobe' the driver is the only way, especially after sleep etc.17:04
Guest51Hello there!18:57
gnarfaceslow channel, if you have a question just ask and wait18:58
Guest51Oh sorry! I don't have any questions.18:58
HanicefGuest51: if you just want to chat, i'd recommend you to go to #devuan-offtopic18:58
Guest51I just read about it, thanks!18:59
Guest79 how do i close xorg and slim19:37
Guest79so i can install nvidia drivers19:37
rwpHello Guest79.  There isn't actually a GUI way to do that by default AFAIK.  But you can "sudo service slim stop" and it will kill slim and the X session.19:40
rwpThat will drop back to the Linux vt virtual terminal text console login.19:40
rwpBut you can run X while installing drivers.  After having installed drivers then rebooting is probably safest.  Check the boot log for new driver errors.19:41
cytokine_stormhello, is there some way to make a iso of my entire devuan installation, so that when my ssd dies i can restore it on another new ssd on the same computer.19:58
hagbardcytokine_storm: boot from a stick, and use dd to copy the entire partition19:59
hagbardthen you have an 1:1 image19:59
hagbardfor example: dd if=/dev/sda3 of=backup.img bs=64M20:00
rwpcytokine_storm, Check out the Refracta installer.
rwpThough a full image backup as suggested by hagbard will always be rock solid.  If one can host the full space for it.20:07
cytokine_stormlooking into it, thanks guys20:09
furrymcgee"runlevel 1 is used to put to system into a state where administrative tasks can be performed" man 8 shutdown20:16
rwpfurrymcgee, I can't think of anything today that needs single user mode for maintenance.  Can you?  Best to ignore that old legacy and simply perform maintenance in the default run level 2.20:19
rwpAlso a lot of that was for when administering a true multi-user machine with a terminal server and a hundred serial consoles with staff and students trying to log in.20:20
rwpSwitching to single user mode kept all of those users off the serial ports and meant the admin could make administration without users causing files to be busy preventing unmounting and things like that.20:21
onefangsysv-rc-conf is sorta a GUI thing for dealing with these things.  If console TUI counts as GUI.  It can start and stop services.20:23
rwpI would like it if we brought chkconfig back alive again as it was quite sufficient.  (I am still using my cached copy.)20:25
furrymcgeeNo I dont need it for anything other than announcing system is going into maintanace mode20:26

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