libera/#maemo-leste/ Saturday, 2021-10-02

freemangordonparazyd: please LMK when you have decided about glib07:58
Wizzupparazyd: I think I fixed all the module inserting and deleting problems
Wizzupplease test14:05
Wizzupand if it works, let's bump the tor/wg/ovpn libicd's14:05
Wizzupthe new script will also fix up bad entries generated by the previous script :^)14:06
Wizzupit will also default to the schema default if it's empty for some reason14:06
Wizzupparazyd: the one thing I think we might want to add to the icd2-manage-modules script is a 'preference' for modules, like, we probably typically want wireguard/openvpn *before* tor14:11
Wizzupsince it works on another layer14:11
Wizzuplmk what you think14:11
parazydfreemangordon: No valid objections really.14:40
parazydWizzup, uvos: What do you think about forking glib?14:40
parazydWizzup: Will check dh in a sec14:40
parazydWizzup: Is that preference supposed to be something in the UI?14:41
parazydBecause with gconf-editor for example you can edit lists by hand and move things up/down14:41
uvosparazyd: i hate it, but i dont see what alternative there is14:46
parazydWell, one alternative is walking recursively over /usr/share/applications and finding the .desktop file14:46
parazydBut I bet freemangordon doesn't want to do that14:47
uvosi dont think thats great either14:47
uvosthe only alternative might be to look how gnome manages to work14:47
uvosthey might be using glib differently avoiding the problem14:48
Wizzupparazyd: no, the preference is not in the ui, it's just about the order in which icd2 runs through the ip_up_*14:49
Wizzupuvos: I think forking glib is ok if we also get them to accept the patch14:49
uvosWizzup: yeah then its fine14:49
uvosglib is pretty stable too14:49
uvosmaybe we can even use upstream then14:50
uvosoh btw just floating an idea here since deskop gtk2 applications dont realy work well at all with hildonized gtk2 and are mostly unusable14:50
uvosmaybe we should rename our gtk2 fork htk and have hildonized applicaitons link against that14:51
Wizzuphtk, heh14:51
WizzupAre you sure gtk2 apps don't work well? I thought they work some what ok14:51
Wizzupwhat are you problems you see14:51
WizzupI kind of see it as a feature for some of them at least14:51
uvoslots of elements tend to idssapear14:51
Wizzupapart from menus?14:52
uvosi mean menus are pretty critical :P14:52
uvosbut toolbars also seam to go missing sometimes14:52
uvosalso the layout breaks due to element sizes14:52
uvosyou could always LD_PRELOAD htk for apps that work ok14:52
WizzupI meant apart from menu bars sometimes being rendered off-screen14:53
Wizzupor rather the menu windows14:53
Wizzupidk, for the most part I like that they are at least in style14:53
parazydfreemangordon: Is this helpful?
uvosah it works by just hardcoding the gnome extension14:57
uvosX-GNOME-FullName for instance14:57
uvosno that dosent help him at all14:57
uvosand now i know why gnome works14:58
* Wizzup finally set up sieve with dovecot so that he can do server side filtering16:41
Wizzupneeded that for modest not to buzz every 5 mins16:41
Wizzupfreemangordon: hm, modest doesn't seem to see the same inbox as thunderbird does for some reason17:48
Wizzupdoes it include subdirs in a dir info?17:48
Wizzupfreemangordon: it also just seems to see emails that my thunderbird and alpine (mail client) do not see17:52
uvosit alos dosent buzz for me or show notifications17:57
Wizzupit does both of those things for me17:57
uvosits set to sync every 30 minutes17:57
uvosif i open it it dose show the emails just fine17:57
uvosbut no notification17:57
Wizzupwhat tech is it set to sync on?17:57
Wizzupwifi or any?17:57
uvos(its also set to notify in settings)17:57
Wizzuplooks like my connui-cellular is way to verbose and makes large logs17:58
Wizzuproot@maindroid:/var/log# ls -lsh user.log*17:58
Wizzup120M -rw-r----- 1 root adm 120M Oct  2 17:56 user.log 54M -rw-r----- 1 root adm  54M Sep 25 23:46 user.log.117:58
uvos"last updated" also shows a time17:58
uvosthat would require it to buzz17:58
WizzupI'm mostly wondering my what my 1164 new messages are -- I don't see them in my thunderbird17:58
WizzupI see about 120 :)17:58
siceloor they're new from modest POV? :-)18:00
freemangordonparazyd: hmm, you linked the top of the file18:00
Wizzupsicelo: new means unread in my book18:00
Wizzupsicelo: and it seems to stop at 2021-05-xx18:00
Wizzupi.e. I can't see any news emails18:00
parazydfreemangordon: nvm, uvos said it's irrelevant18:00
Wizzupit looks like the sync didn't complete18:00
Wizzupbut I can't get it to sync further18:00
freemangordonparazyd: ok, do you know what repo shall I fork?18:02
siceloat least mutt has "N" for new unread, and "O" for old unread mails. So yeah, it's possible that "new" might not necessarily mean unread in modest. then again, i mostly use mutt even in fremantle, so i don't fully remember the behavior there18:03
Wizzupsicelo: I cannot find recent emails in modest, they are not there it seems18:03
Wizzupsicelo: and it says my inbox has about 23k mails, but it has 166 total18:04
parazydfreemangordon: I would think this:
freemangordonWizzup: is that pop3?18:04
freemangordonor gmail?18:04
Wizzupfreemangordon: imap18:04
Wizzupmy own server18:04
uvosalso on imap here18:04
freemangordonwell, gmail imap works for me ok18:04
uvosworks ok (besides notifications)18:05
siceloyou most likely do have those 23k mails after all :-p18:05
freemangordonWizzup: you may want to start modest from the command line, to see if it gives errors18:05
uvosit also scroles excruitatingly slow but thats not its fault, it just hits the eax problem really badly18:06
Wizzupyes, this is just X18:06
Wizzupyeah also incoming mail I cannot get to show up18:09
Wizzupfreemangordon: is there a way to remove cache and such?18:09
Wizzupit could also be some imap config that's weird18:09
freemangordonjust remove the account I would guess18:09
WizzupI tried that and the result is the same, so maybe that didn't help then18:10
lelfreemangordon created a repository:
WizzupI think I am maybe looking at some trash or something18:15
uvossuddenly Wizzup realizes he has 22k unread emails from 200918:16
uvos"oh that must be why i havend seen my wife in a while"18:16
WizzupI was logging into my old email server, I used imap. not mail.18:17
Wizzupsame pw though I guess :)18:17
Wizzupyes, all solved18:19
uvosbtw did you get call audio to work?18:19
Wizzupno, I didn't try since I asked18:19
freemangordonparazyd: how shall I tag that? debian/2.58.3-2+deb10u3+leste1?18:27
freemangordonor 2.58.3-2+deb10u3+leste1?18:28
freemangordonor leave that to you?18:28
freemangordonthere is already gbp.conf I am not sure fits our CI18:28
parazydIf changelog is "2.58.3-2+deb10u3+leste1" then tag is "2.58.3+deb10u3+leste1" I think18:30
parazydProvided our standard gbp.conf is used18:31
freemangordonso, I shall replace gbp.conf too, right?18:31
freemangordonyeah, I will replace it18:32
uvoscan i have commit access to
Wizzupyou have 'writer' role22:29
Wizzupit should work already22:30
Wizzupwhat is not working?22:30
uvosoh righ22:30
uvosnothing i just forgot22:30
sicelobtw why is iio-sensor-proxy forked?22:41
uvosits not really forked its just upstream debian builds only with systemd support devuan dosent build at all22:42
uvosand upstream also blocks the compass to the geoclue user22:42
uvosbut thats just config file differences22:43
uvosbut we should proubuly move from having it in a repo22:45
uvosto just maintaing the debian directory seperatly22:45
uvosbut idk how to set that up22:45
uvosso parazyd ^^^ paybe22:45
uvosmaybe you can enlighten us22:45
parazydCould probably ask for it to be built in Devuan22:49
WizzupI think having it forked right now is not such a bad thing22:49
Wizzupdidn't you also have some evdev stuff in there?22:49
uvosWizzup: no22:50
uvosWizzup: we (I) decided  not to add it22:50
uvoswe have zero code changes22:50
uvosonly build system changes22:50
lelMerlijnWajer created a repository:
Wizzupuvos: ok23:08
uvosparazyd: regardin adding it to devuan, the current version cant be build on beowulf because of old udev23:12
uvosso backporting it wont work23:12
parazydWell that's another reason for the fork23:15

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