libera/#maemo-leste/ Monday, 2022-11-07

uvosfreemangordon: looking at charge-mode source00:06
uvosi dont see how the display could be on but charge mode be not refeshing the display00:06
uvosmaybe the issue is somewhere else (cpcap got stuck somehow?)00:07
uvosnot sure atm00:07
uvoscant repoduce it either00:09
freemangordonuvos: are there some logs I can look at?07:18
freemangordonugh, seems rsyslogd is not running while in charge mode :(07:38
Wizzupnorayr: uvos: yeah, I also want to see this fixed, as I agree it's a nice device, I -just- finished my travelling for at least a month I hope, so it should be more stable now10:58
WizzupI also brought two atrix and two droid2, next to two droid3's10:58
Wizzup(two so that I can more easily test andriod + leste in parallel)10:58
WizzupI can have someone send some to uvos this week if it helps, too (I got a few extra of each at home)10:59
Wizzupuvos: just let me know what you want, if any ^^10:59
Wizzupfreemangordon: hm, syslog should be in 'boot' runlevel, does charge mode not stack on top of boot runlevel?10:59
Wizzupoh, also two razr's btw11:16
uvos__there is no boot runlevel11:56
uvos__there is sysinit11:56
uvos__i presume you mean that?11:56
uvos__yes charge-mode stacks ontop of sysinit11:56
uvos__if you enable logs in charge-mode and look at serial outuput the output from charge mode will be there11:57
uvos__thats what i do11:57
uvos__it dosent log to syslog, it also generally dosent log very mutch, its just 300 or so lines of c after all11:58
Wizzupgentoo calls it boot, maybe devuan calls it differently, I'd ave to check11:58
Wizzupyes like you said :)11:58
freemangordonwell, serial log is not very useful for post-mortem analysis :)11:58
freemangordonthe problem is that I don;t see the normal boot log too11:59
Wizzupyou could add rsyslog to sysinit runlevel12:00
Wizzupit might work12:00
buZzdangit, my second d4 is too empty to boot for charging12:22
buZzguess i'll hook it to external charger again :)12:23
sicelobuZz: you have a bad battery12:35
buZzoh, totally, i have none butt bad batteries :P12:36
uvos__not nesscarly bad battery12:38
uvos__any battery will die below the bootable thresh if you just leave it in the device long enough while off12:38
buZzwhich new battery was the one that fit well, provided you mod the connections?12:40
buZzoh btw, i saw that 'sfeed' is getting debian upstream packaging soon12:43
buZzso if our version isnt 'maemo-ified' we could remove it to get a newer version, in some time12:43
siceloisn't sfeed a terminal thing? those don't need any porting for maemo12:45
buZzsicelo: its in maemo-leste-extras now, and yeah its terminal/ncurses12:46
norayrwe are on beowulf, we won't get newer debian stuff soon.12:56
norayrit goes to sid first12:56
buZzyeah i know, it'll take some time12:56
buZzi'm just saying its coming :)12:56
norayrthen it maybe will come to unstable12:56
norayrgood, but i am afraid it'll take 5 years if not more.12:57
buZzhehe, we'll see12:57
buZzyou know, its pretty annoying that sphone changes the volume settings without looking at what they were before13:30
buZzi need to re-up 'hifi' and 'voice' after every call , if i want to actually hear people on speakerphone on the -next- call13:30
freemangordonbuZz: actually PA shall do that13:32
freemangordonunless I am missing something13:32
freemangordontehre are things like "stream-restore"13:32
buZzi dont know, i put 'hifi' and 'voice' in alsamixer (on alsa, not PA) to 6013:32
buZzthen make a call13:32
buZzthen -after- the call ,they will be set lower again13:33
freemangordonwhat I am saying is to not blame sphone :)13:33
buZzi'm not sure why not?13:33
buZzall other applications dont seem to change my volumes :)13:33
freemangordonbecause it is not sphone's job to restore stream volumes13:33
buZzyet it does do mixer things , to enable speakerphone13:34
freemangordonwell, unless it is doing something stupid13:34
freemangordonright, but I think it does that through UCM13:34
freemangordon(or whatever the name is)13:34
buZzah,  maybe its ofono? org.ofono.CallVolume13:35
freemangordonno idea13:35
Wizzuppa should have a restore feature yeah13:35
buZzeither way, it would be nicer to not have to change volume all the time :)13:36
WizzupbuZz: file a bug and explain how to reproduce maybe13:40
buZzyeah i'll pinpoint it a bit, i'll try some more13:46
uvos__sphone dosent change any volumes13:46
uvos__sphone dosent deal with volume at all13:47
uvos__yes pa restores volumes13:47
uvos__this works at lest when switching outputs from hp to speaker13:47
uvos__maybe it buggs out when swiching profiles13:47
buZzyeah i guess it does, not sure why, i'll make some testcases later13:53
buZzthe lack of disconnect sound is also kinda weird :P13:59
buZz(i'm getting bombarded in voicecalls atm)13:59
uvos__sure something to add to sphone i ques13:59
buZzi always thought that sound came from baseband or the operator :)14:00
uvos__me too14:00
uvos__like the ringing14:00
uvos__i gues not14:00
uvos__or maybe we are closing the audio connection to the modem to soon or something14:01
buZzoh maybe, yeah14:01
buZzbtw, notifications of sms and missed calls works great now :D thanks14:25
buZzi wonder if the 'lock screen' could show them aswell14:26
buZzand i assume 'eventually' we'll feature those notifications on the notificationLED aswell14:26
Wizzupthey should, it just depends n the notification that is being sent14:27
Wizzupthe lock screen and led are one and the same problem I think14:27
Wizzupuvos__: I think in 1-2 days I will have time for the droid3 stuff, I14:32
WizzupI'm charging both now14:32
norayrfingers crossed14:37
uvos__not sure why it dosent work this way15:04
uvos__maybe im missunderstanding something15:04
Wizzupmodest seems to just call mce for the pattern15:06
Wizzupso maybe we don't honour that pattern yet15:06
Wizzupof course that doesn't cover the tklock part15:06
uvos__Wizzup: yeah15:22
uvos__Wizzup: kinda looks like a workaround in modest15:22
uvos__since this dosent work15:22
uvos__hildon-home taking care of the patterns would be way better too15:23
uvos__since calling mce directly is broken15:23
uvos__since mce has no idea how manny notifications are active15:23
uvos__so if 2 applications want to use the same pattern it breaks15:23
uvos__since both applications will set the pattern to on15:23
uvos__and then once one sets it to off15:24
uvos__the pattern will be gohne even though there still is a notificaton that should be causing a pattern15:24
WizzupI am not sure if h-h can make that problem go away, but yes, we might want to check if our notifications honours the led patterns or not15:30
uvos__h-h konows how manny notifications are open15:31
uvos__it can disable the pattern after the last one is closed with the appropriate type15:31
Wizzupright, but I think something else (unlock of device) disables the pattern15:31
uvos__so it absoultly can fix this problem, and it looks like the code is there15:31
uvos__but its not working15:31
Wizzupdo you also send along the kind of notification it is, like a chat notification, or sms?15:32
Wizzupor email15:32
Wizzup(obv not email)15:32
uvos__Wizzup: yes15:33
uvos__sphone dose anyways15:33
uvos__i assume this is waht you are asking15:33
Wizzuplike modest uses:15:34
Wizzup#define MODEST_NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY "email-message"15:34
Wizzup    /* Create notification */15:34
Wizzup    notification = hildon_notification_new (from,15:34
Wizzup                        data->subject,15:34
Wizzup                        "qgn_list_messagin",15:34
Wizzup                        MODEST_NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY);15:34
WizzupI think that has a special effect in the lock screen, that string15:34
Wizzupalong with a few others15:34
uvos__yeah i know15:35
Wizzupok :)15:35
uvos__i dont know why its not on the lockscreen15:35
Wizzup    notify_notification_set_hint_int32 (NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION (notification),15:35
Wizzup                        "dialog-type", 4);15:35
uvos__maybe something is wrong with it15:35
Wizzupno idea that '4' is here15:35
uvos__but in principal it tries to do this15:35
Wizzupit might make sense to just compare it with modest and see15:35
Wizzupmaybe there's some silly property15:35
uvos__right i dont set the dialog type maybe its that15:37
WizzupI don't know what the number 4 is, maybe it's a special hildon one15:43
WizzupI also see this type 4 in hildon-notify/tests/test-dbus-action.c15:44
uvos__ok ill look into it15:45
Wizzupso libhildondesktop/hd-notification.c has hd_notification_get_dialog_type to get the type and if omitted, defaults to 015:46
uvos__mostly i just have to mess around with notify-send untill it works15:46
uvos__i dont use tklock on my main device at all so it wasent something i tested before15:46
Wizzupin hd-systems-notifications in hildon-home I see:15:46
Wizzupif (dialog_type == 4) {15:46
Wizzupso maybe this is just a red herring15:46
Wizzupbut maybe observe modest over dbus and see what it requests exactly I guess15:46
uvos__btw i fixed proximitry recently15:48
uvos__not sure if anyone noticed :P15:48
uvos__no more locking by hand in call15:48
WizzupI couldn't use my droid 4 in the US :)15:51
Wizzupso no, didn't notice yet, but will definitely test now :)15:51
WizzupI think the d4 now shuts down so fast during booting that I can't get it to charge16:07
Wizzupwill investigate in 1-2 hours16:07
freemangordonthis is the query that tklock does16:40
WizzupWho writes to this database?17:19
Wizzupyeah, looking now17:36
WizzupI was thinking this too, maybe persistence is the thing17:37
Wizzupthat makes sense I guess17:37
freemangordonit needs "persisitent" hint17:37
WizzupI don't think sphone sets that17:38
freemangordonmost-probably not17:38
WizzupI grep'd17:38
uvosso ./notify-send -i general_missed -h string:category:email-message test is sufficant to do everything20:44
uvosincluding activateing the mce pattern20:44
uvosand playing the sound20:44
uvoshowever.... this means everything is hardcoded in notification-groups.conf20:45
uvosincludeing what application gets the dbus call on an action20:45
uvosmakeing it compleatly unsuable as a genreal solution20:45
uvosif there is a way to make hildon home do these things using just notification hints (even hildon specific ones) i cant find it20:47
freemangordonand what is the general solution?20:47
uvoswell that any application can set the stuff via hints20:47
freemangordonalso, how do you solve cross-reboot notification?20:48
uvosie instead of D-Bus-Call= hh uses the dbus call specified in the notifcation action20:48
uvosand so on20:48
uvossame with pattern (could just be a hint)20:48
freemangordonthis is not covered in the specs either, no?20:48
uvoswell notification servers can support custom hints20:48
uvosso every field in notification-groups.conf could just be a hint20:49
uvosi dont see how this changes how reboot works at all20:49
freemangordonso, we can as well add .d support in notification-groups.conf parser20:49
freemangordonso every application that wants to can register itself20:49
uvosbut its a contrivance20:49
uvosthere is not reason for that the notification allready contains all information hh could need20:49
uvosthere is no need for it to load it form somewhere else20:49
freemangordonnot dbus call that shall be made20:50
freemangordonin xdg specs I don'20:50
freemangordont see cross-reboot support at all20:50
uvosi dont follow at all, the dbus call contains lots of fileds, manny of witch of the xdg ones duplicate the fields in notification-groups.conf20:51
uvosthere are some extra fields in notification-groups.conf20:51
uvosbut the xdg spec allows custom fileds in the dbus call20:51
uvosso you could just add them if the application wants them20:51
freemangordonwhat application?20:52
freemangordondo I get it right that you want the application to provide dbus callback address?20:52
uvosany application that wants a LED-Pattern could for instance add LED-Pattern=PatternCommunicationEmail as a hint20:52
uvosto the dbus call20:52
uvosas per xdg20:52
uvosas a vendor extension20:52
freemangordonok, but who shall be called back after a reboot?20:53
freemangordonif the user click on the notification?20:53
uvosworks fine in other servers too, so actions get a dbus call to call in the xdg spec allready20:53
uvosand you can save that and try it upon reboot20:53
freemangordonsave what?20:53
freemangordonI don;t follow20:54
freemangordonIIRC you need the dbus address of the calling application for the callback20:54
freemangordonwhich is no more after a reboot20:54
uvosnot quite20:54
uvoswell my d4 locked up20:55
uvosapperantly nofiy send is good way to make it happen20:55
Wizzupanything in pstore?20:56
freemangordonuvos: see org.freedesktop.Notifications.ActionInvoked20:57
freemangordonfor example20:57
freemangordonwhom you will send that signal to after a reboot?20:57
uvosworks with kde- somehow20:57
uvosanyhow worst come to worst20:58
uvosyou can just send D-Bus-Call= as a hint too20:58
uvosi gues maybe the kde notification server uses introspection to get the method to be called via the handler?20:58
freemangordonand how is that different to having notification-groups.d where each application can register itsef?20:59
freemangordonmaybe it is more elegant20:59
freemangordonbut to me it is same thing don in a different way20:59
freemangordonfor sure we can pass all the data as hints20:59
uvosit avoids the problem that the application is global20:59
uvosie i can have only one applicaition serve email-message21:00
freemangordonah, I see21:00
freemangordonok, lemme think about that a bit, I may implement something soon21:00
uvoslets see if we can do this at least for ED-Pattern=21:01
uvosie what sphone needs at a minimum21:01
uvosbtw i dont get where the sound comes from21:01
uvosits not in notification-groups.conf21:02
uvosbut somehow hh knows what sound to play from just ./notify-send -i general_missed -h string:category:email-message test21:02
uvosmust be "hardcoded" somewhere else21:02
freemangordonI guess this is it21:04
uvosfreemangordon: so im going to nix power: cpcap-battery: Do not issue low signal too frequently from the kernel for now right?21:29
freemangordonto release?21:30
uvosfor devel21:30
freemangordonnext 2 patches as well21:31
freemangordonkeep in mind I force-pushed21:31
uvosfreemangordon: i know but power: cpcap-battery: Do not issue low signal too frequently  is broken right21:31
uvosor did you change it?21:31
freemangordonyes, i fixed and force-pushed21:32
freemangordonin maemo-5.18.y-cpcap branch21:32
freemangordonin maemo-5.18.y it is broken21:32
freemangordonso you have to tag 7f7253af8bce280b7e863a7e09c854f1f1bf2416 and release21:34
uvosright im doing it atm21:34
freemangordonok, great21:34
freemangordontoday I installed kexecboot on the second d4 I have here, tomorrow will try to measure off draw with and without modem shutdwon patch21:35
uvosmesureing power consumption with a dmm is a bit tricky, you need to keep the leads short or the device becomes unstable21:37
freemangordonI see21:37
freemangordonwell, I hope a fully charged battery to help21:38
freemangordonalso, I plan to use 10A range21:38
freemangordonso no much added resistance21:38
uvosif you have the resolution there21:39
freemangordonI think I have21:39
freemangordonthe other option is 200mA, fused :)21:40
freemangordonwon't fly21:40
freemangordonor, maybe I can connect some small resistance and measure the voltage21:41
freemangordonafter all I don;t need precise measurement, but if there is a difference21:41
freemangordon0.1 or even 0.2 Ohm should do the job21:42
freemangordonor not21:43
freemangordonanyway, will see tomorrow21:43
uvoswhere you running the devel kernel when the charge-mode problem occured?21:47
uvosif so then the awnser is obvious what that was, cpcap oopsed and then ofc charging-sdl could not update itself anymore21:48
freemangordonno, it was the kernel you're going to build21:48
freemangordongoing afk, ttyl21:49
Wizzupuvos: does the charge mode still support pressing the power down button to boot to leste?22:48
uvosbut only when its over a voltage tresh23:02
Wizzupah, ok23:09

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