libera/#maemo/ Friday, 2020-02-21

Quiiplhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:07
Quiiplhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:07
Quiiplhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:07
klefraidrehi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:08
Frexesiglyhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:09
Ofepraidrhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:10
opriiklhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:12
leawhi, please kindly stay out of #freenode. the pool is closed. thanks.08:12

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