libera/#maemo/ Saturday, 2020-05-02

brolin_empeyI want to upgrade the version of PDFCreator from around a decade ago on a Windows XP computer that cannot be upgraded to a newer version of Windows to the newest version of PDFCreator for Windows XP, which is apparently 2.5.0 from early 2017 but I cannot find an official/non-dodgy source for the installer/setup program for this version.  Does anyone know of an official/non-dodgy source for PDFCreator version 2.5.0?  Apparently I found at least one source but09:17
brolin_empey it is a third party so I did not pursue it.  I already have PDFCreator-2_3_0-Setup.exe so I could just use that to see if it fixes the problem I have because it is still much newer than the version 0.9.8 currently installed on this Windows XP computer.09:17
brolin_empeyIf you are curious, this Windows XP computer controls the surface-mount electronic device pick & place machine of my company, which is why it is stuck with Windows XP.09:20
brolin_empeyApparently the problem I had is solved by upgrading to PDFCreator 2.3.0 but it would still be nice to have the installer for PDFCreator 2.5.0 for computers that are stuck with Windows XP.09:52

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