libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2022-12-09

ravehaver9000i wonder when or if s6 will ever become a permanent init system default like how openrc and runit re available as options from installation02:08
talismanickI have a friend who has a bit of programming experience, but is now doing a CS master's02:09
ravehaver9000alongside sysvinit, which is what i use. overall i feel like sysvint in devuan is pretty hands off, but that might be because ive tried to go by reference manuals in other sites telling me to do stuff like "service foo start" that for some reason just doesnt work on devuan. i feel like it might be a difference between sysvinit in devuan and the bsd-style versions in slackware and such02:09
talismanickI'd like to show him Linux, and I figured Devuan (testing) would be a good choice (simple & classically Unix-y, similar to Debian, no systemd or snap/flatpak shenanigans) nowadays02:10
talismanickWhat kind of DE should I install for him, though?02:10
talismanickI use a tiling WM, which I'm not going to foist on him - 1 step at a time. XFCE didn't have much to offer over KDE, last I saw benchmarks. Does KDE work without systemd?02:11
talismanick(I refuse to let him be traumatized by the experience of writing assembly in Visual Studio, so Linux it will be for him)02:12
gnarfacehey ravehaver9000 i looked up that error you're still getting, seems to be a known issue with the current drivers, a couple mentions of it on the nvidia forums; supposedly fixed in 515.x02:22
TorC@talismanick I use KDE on Devuan.  Since the upgrade a few weeks ago to Beowulf a few weeks back the taskbar is slow to respond, but other than that it works just fine.  That could well be another issue with video drivers, though.02:24
gnarfaceravehaver9000: also just fyi the "service x y" syntax comes from some optional package, i forget which exactly but i think it's still available in a sysvinit compatible form02:25
gnarfaceravehaver9000: ah yea, it seems to be in the package init-system-helpers, try that out02:26
TorCI don't use the taskbar that much, mostly the alt-tab switcher, so it hasn't gotten too annoying to have a couple second delay from click to something showing.02:27
TorCIt's also possible the new taskbar widget is just a bit buggy and bogs down with my ~200 windows.02:28
gnarfaceTorC: nvidia drivers?02:32
gnarfacei did hear there was a recent performance regression with pascal family cards02:33
gnarfacemaybe not in beowulf though... that's oldstable now02:33
gnarfacenot sure02:33
gnarfacetalismanick: KDE works without systemd and it's an excellent choice for windows refugess02:33
gnarfaceat least it was in beowulf, i haven't seen chimaera yet02:33
gnarfacei would recommend stable over testing just because it's, well, ...stable02:34
gnarfaceif he needs a newer kernel and video drivers he can get them from chimaera-backports02:34
TorCI've got AMD Radeon Pro.  I upgraded when I finally figured out I'd been running for two years on, I suspect, the FB driver.  Turned out I needed to do something a little different, but I'm not sure what exactly was the solution.02:42
TorCWhat I thought was going to be just a quick upgrade late at night (it was!) turned into a couple hours I wanted to be in bed trying to get the card to run two screens.02:43
gnarfaceyea it's easier than with nvidia stuff, you just need firmware-amd-graphics from non-free02:43
gnarfacewell, that and a bunch of mesa stuff02:43
gnarfaceoverall more packages but mesa dependencies tend to be better buttoned up02:44
TorCI do so little stuff that cares about video that I'm not sure I'd notice if I'm missing some driver stuff.02:44
TorCHence, not noticing I wasn't driving it at all properly until I couldn't get it to recognize my second screen…02:44
gnarfaceworks now though, right?02:45
TorCYep.  It does.  I'm happy with that.02:46
talismanickTorC gnarface: Perfect. Devuan it'll probably be! Now to convince him.03:15
gnarfacetalismanick: give him a livecd to try out03:19
ravehaver9000currently trying to install qemu on my computer for virtualization, and while installing qemu i get runit-helper suggested for me to install yet again20:52
ravehaver9000i wonder why runit hets suggested so much for some packages on sysvinit, makes me just want to change the init system yet again because for some reason i cant do stuff like "chkconfig insert something here"20:57
ravehaver9000i feel like possibnly installing s6 since i want to try that init out soon20:57
gnarfaceravehaver9000: is it just runit-helper? maybe it's harmless, seems like i have it here too on my qemu machine and i didn't notice (it's all sysvinit though)21:23
gnarfaceit's a good question though21:25
rwpI don't see why runit-helper would be suggested.  Suggestions are package things the maintainer puts in the package control file.23:27
rwpFor example this says nothing "apt-cache show qemu'*' | grep runit".23:27
ravehaver9000sorry for being late but yeah, its just runit-helper23:28
ravehaver9000nothing else from runit coming into sysvinit because of qemu23:29
rwpI also thought the SGI inspired chkconfig was a reasonable script to manage init things.  I keep a private copy for my own use.23:46
ravehaver9000sgi inspired chikconfig?23:49
ravehaver9000for some reason when i run /sbib/init i dont get chkconfig options23:51

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