libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2021-05-25

tmlindparazyd: is there an updated irc archive somewhere for the new channel? seems i missed some pings over past few days while offline but don't have the history06:49
tmlindlooks like the maedevu log is still the old freenode channel?06:49
parazydtmlind: The maedevu log is freenode plus last few days of this libera channel.06:51
parazydJust go from the bottom.06:51
parazydIf it's not there, then whoever should ping you again, sorry.06:51
tmlindparazyd: oh you're right, maedevu is up to date, sorry for the confusion06:54
parazydNo worries :)06:55
parazydThere's some hours missing though, when we just opened the channel, but I think not much is lost.06:55
tmlindparazyd: yeah probably no need to try to merge them06:56
tmlindhmm well i mean the overlapping messages on two channels06:56
parazydYeah, it's fine really.06:56
tmlindsicelo: i used the mainline kernel with alpine to test kexec on n900. but any reasonably new distro kexec binary should work06:57
tmlindsicelo: also the kexec booting kernel needs to be reasonably new to tag the uncompressed image size to the new kernel image06:58
freemangordonparazyd: Wizzup: any progress with gtk build?17:08
Wizzupfreemangordon: I added the ssd to the machine18:22
WizzupI need to rsync the contents and then I'll move the raspi imgs18:22
Wizzupfreemangordon: should be ready this evening18:22
Palifreemangordon: Hi! Would you have some time to look at U-Boot and N900 USB migration?19:26
freemangordonPali: like what to look at?19:52
sicelobtw, i think the libicd-*-dummy package should set the DUMMY stuff in gconf, without needing to be manually done afterwards19:52
freemangordonWizzup: is it still syncing? as I just get "Failure" every time I try to build something20:26
Wizzupfreemangordon: just finished dinner, will free up the ssd now20:36
freemangordonnot sure I understand, however, do you have any clue why lel bot just reports "Failure"?20:37
Wizzupfreemangordon: I will investigate in ~15 mins20:40
freemangordonок, тханкс20:40
freemangordonok, thanks20:40
Wizzupно проблем20:40
WizzupI suppose нема проблема might be better20:41
freemangordonyeah, though it is not strictly Bulgarian :)20:41
uvosqmake PREFIX=/usr -spec maemo && make Could not find qmake spec 'maemo'.20:54
uvosWizzup: whats the name of the package i need?20:54
freemangordonuvos: libqt5maemo5-dev , most probably20:57
uvosyes  libqt5maemo5-dev20:57
Wizzupfreemangordon: going to turn off both build pis21:05
lelIMbackK opened a pull request: (add track distance display)21:38
uvosWizzup: ^^ exteamly lightly tested (its raining)21:38
Wizzupbtw: s/Traveld/Travelled/ and s/Travled/Travelled/21:40
Wizzupuvos: do you want to be the maintainer of this pkg? I just imported it, I don't really want to be the maintainer :)21:40
Wizzupthat is, I can just give you repo access21:40
uvossure ill take it21:40
WizzupI invited you to be 'Maintain' access21:41
WizzupI assume that's pretty much everything21:41
Wizzup(for gpsrecorder)21:41
Wizzupfreemangordon: btw, related to connui, there is still a bug where if the dialog is shown by a program (rather than from status menu, I guess), the selection always fails21:47
freemangordonWizzup: do we have an issue?21:48
WizzupI am not sure21:48
WizzupLet me search21:48
freemangordonah, which reminds me I promised to uvos to create an issue about MB/sdl grab bug21:48
WizzupI think not21:49
freemangordoncould you open one with steps to repro and assign to me?21:49
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (add track distance display)21:49
Wizzup if you run this with python-conic installed you'll see it21:49
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes21:49
lelIMbackK closed a pull request: (add track distance display)21:50
freemangordonWizzup: I plan to work on as well21:51
freemangordonmaybe those are related21:51
lelMerlijnWajer opened an issue: (Certain ways of invoking the connection dialog result in connection failure)21:52
lelMerlijnWajer assigned an issue: (Certain ways of invoking the connection dialog result in connection failure)21:52
WizzupI don't think they are related21:53
uvosi gues jenkins is broken rn...21:54
Wizzupuvos: fyi building gpsrecorder won't work atm21:54
Wizzupbeat me to it21:54
WizzupIt'll work momentarily21:54
Wizzup(sorry, waiting for btrfs to finish copying the files to my backup)21:54
lelfreemangordon opened an issue: (matchbox must remember to always consider a fullscreen override redirect window with grab as the current_client in mbwm)21:58
freemangordonuvos: ^^^21:59
freemangordonWizzup: any hint how to setup hidden wifi? without touching my router22:14
Wizzupfreemangordon: what I ended up doing for all the wifi devel is to use a wifi iface on linux and set it up with hostapd22:16
Wizzupeither some usb or internal one22:16
Wizzupso you'd just need a tutorial on how to do hidden ssid with hostapd, which I think is quite simple22:16
Wizzupsomething like this basicaly:
WizzupI suppose you could even use the leste droid4 and create a hidden AP on it ;)22:17
Wizzupfull disclose I never tried a hidden AP22:17
freemangordonI have laptops around, will play with them22:18
uvosseveral users have claimed that hidden aps dont work22:18
freemangordonand one USB dongle with atheros chip which allows infrastructure mode22:18
freemangordonuvos: I am on th eissue22:19
freemangordonthat's why I need hidden network to test with22:19
uvosah understand22:19
uvosyes hostapd is a good bet22:19
uvosbtw fixed ips dont work22:20
uvosthey just get ignored22:20
uvosmay be related22:20
uvosthe dialog appears to just not save the values22:21
uvosie you can add a fixed ip and it will just forget it if you close the dialog22:21
freemangordonok, will check22:45
Wizzupuvos: you should be able to build now22:53
uvosexcept im no allowed22:57
Wizzupuvos: join ##leste-ci22:58
uvosbtw while at it23:01
uvosmaybe also give me commit access to "my" packages in core23:01
uvoslike fbkeyboard charge-mode droid4-wlanconfig iio-sensor-proxy etc23:02
Wizzupyeah makes sense to me23:02
Wizzupare you ok waitin for parazyd ?23:02
Wizzupnot sure where he is but maybe he has an idea as to the exact settings23:02
uvosyeah no rush parazyd ^^^23:03
freemangordonWizzup: what to do with ?23:19
freemangordonBTW I fixed that missing "enter SSID" dialog23:19
freemangordonWizzup: I think we shall implement that using wpa_supplicant dbus interface, no?23:20
Wizzupfreemangordon: oh, I didn't realise that code uses wlancond23:22
Wizzupfreemangordon: can't it get these properties from icd2?23:22
Wizzupfreemangordon: hm, not sure I understand what wlancond used for here exactly23:23
freemangordonI guess cap_bits is the most important thing23:24
WizzupI went through a lot of trouble to get all these capabilities mapped through wpa_supplicant already23:25
freemangordonbut you already did that :)23:25
Wizzupfreemangordon: sorry, I'm just not sure why easy-wlan needs to talk to wlancond or wpa_supplicant at all, as in, I don't understand it, not opposed to it23:25
freemangordonmhm, you already have it23:25
Wizzupshouldn't icd2 IAPs already give it all the info?23:26
freemangordonit tries to get caps, to know which dialogs to show23:26
freemangordonWizzup: no, we're connecting to a hidden wlan23:26
Wizzupwhich keys are used for that?23:26
Wizzupgconf ones23:26
freemangordonwhy gcoonf?23:27
freemangordonI am trying to set-up a new hidden connection23:27
freemangordonit is not in gconf23:27
Wizzuplet me try to do it on my d4 here, I never tried23:28
freemangordonthis issue
freemangordonwon't work23:28
freemangordonWizzup: without a fix I just did locally (REing issue), it won;t even ask for SSID23:30
Wizzupfreemangordon: I understand, but it's not clear why the wizard needs to talk to wlanconf to me still23:30
Wizzupis this to get capabilities based on an active scan?23:31
WizzupI am opening it on fremantle atm23:31
freemangordonit asks for SSID then issues a scan to get the caps23:31
Wizzuphow do I enter the hidden wifi wizard?23:31
Wizzupah, you say 'no' to the scan23:32
Wizzupand then there is a checkbox: 'Network is hidden'23:32
freemangordonhmm? what is this?23:32
Wizzupfreemangordon: I am trying to reproduce what you are doing and where you get stuck23:32
freemangordonin control panel?23:32
freemangordonno, use status menu23:33
Wizzupwell, I have no hidden AP here23:33
freemangordonI see23:33
Wizzupso what caps are there to scan for?23:33
freemangordonseems there is another issue when you setup the connection manually23:33
freemangordonWizzup: security23:33
freemangordonlike wep/wpa2 etc23:33
Wizzupso there are two 'issues': (1) connecting to a hidden AP at all (let's say created from settings) (2) hidden AP 'easy-wlan' wizard23:35
freemangordonalso, I almost am sure "unable to connect the first time" bug is the same issue
freemangordonWizzup: yep, looks like23:35
WizzupWhat is 'unable to connect the first time' exactly?23:35
Wizzup(which bugnumber)23:35
freemangordonI don;t think we have an issue23:36
Wizzupah, ok23:36
freemangordonor maybe
freemangordonbecause it invokes the same iap_run_easy_wlan_dialogs() where the condition is wrong23:38
Wizzupit also happens for dummy connections, though23:39

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