libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2023-04-27

blebI went too long without updating my devuan packages22:27
blebnow getting this:22:27
blebE: The repository ' ascii Release' does no longer have a Release file.22:27
bleband lots of this:22:28
bleb404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:28
blebany suggestions how I might update22:28
_ds_You want
_ds_Alternatively, upgrade to beowulf or (via beowulf) chimaera22:32
blebso what do I do with that URL22:34
brocashelmreplace it in your /etc/apt/sources.list22:34
brocashelmchange to for ascii22:35
blebhmm any way to do that with the apt command22:35
blebsince I only have sudo privileges for apt22:35
brocashelmuse a text editor like vim or nano22:35
_ds_No root password?22:35
brocashelmtry doing it through the root account22:35
blebI lost it lol22:35
_ds_Recovery needed, then22:36
brocashelmyou can reset it from a live session and chroot22:36
brocashelmany help on setting up pacman-package-manager (available as of chimaera-backports)?23:09
brocashelmtrying to set up a devuan repo for it23:09
brocashelmhow should i specify the values in repo-name, Server, and Include?23:10

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