libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2022-04-07

brocashelmdid xfce4-panel-profiles just get reintroduced to debian?02:14
brocashelmhere's the initial e-mail convo:
brocashelmi also noticed a while ago that glmark2 (previously an ubuntu package) is now available on debian02:23
crhyloveHello!  I can't seem to get glxgears or glxinfo working in Daedalus.05:08
crhyloveAlthough the performance is leaps and bounds ahead of Mint.05:08
crhyloveFixed my font/color settings.  I'm back.05:10
brocashelmcrhylove: i use ceres and both work just fine for me05:15
golinux= sid05:22
crhyloveMy issue is I can't apt install glxgears05:23
brocashelmmesa-utils is the package you're looking for05:24
crhyloveUnable to locate package.05:24
crhyloveah.  Thanks.05:24
brocashelmcontains both glxinfo and glxgears05:24
crhyloveGot it.  :D05:25
crhyloveNow why won't higan run full speed?  LOL05:26
brocashelm'cause it sucks, lol05:26
brocashelmi just use snes9x-gtk05:26
brocashelm(#devuan-offtopic btw)05:26
crhyloveGot it.  Thanks.05:26
Kingsyis docker-ce available on devuan?14:24
djphby default? no.  at least not on beowulf14:43
djphchances are that it's in an external reop though14:43
hungrymangood morning fellow USA Devuan users16:48
fsmithredKingsy, https://pkginfo.devuan.org18:05
Kingsyfsmithred: thanks18:19
Kingsydoes devuan have any firewall rules out of the box?18:19
fsmithrednope. Just like debian, there's no firewall running by default.18:19
KingsyI have a docker container running, which is supposed to be exposed on a port. it works within the container but not on the host.18:19
fsmithrediptables is probably installed.18:20
fsmithredor its replacement.18:20
fsmithredwhat fw do you normally use?18:20
Kingsyhow nwould I check if something is blocking it?18:20
KingsyI havent installed anything.18:20
fsmithrediptables -L18:20
Kingsyiptables: command not found18:20
fsmithredto list current rules18:20
_ds_As root. Also, ip6tables -L18:20
Kingsywow lots of rules.18:21
Kingsyis there just a blanket approach to allow a specific port? I don't really wanna sit and figure all of these out .. hahaha18:21
fsmithredwhere did those rules come from?18:22
Kingsydocker I think18:22
fsmithreddid you install a firewall?18:22
fsmithredoh, someone else made the image18:22
Kingsyno its a devuan install. I installed docker-ce from stretch stable18:22
KingsyI guess that added them?18:23
fsmithredmaybe. I know nothing about how docker works.18:23
fsmithrednetstat -tlaup  (with or without n) to see what listening ports are open.18:23
fsmithredmaybe helpful.18:24
Kingsyyeah its there.18:24
Kingsywhen I telnet to it I get -> Connection closed by foreign host.18:24
fsmithredit uses telnet?18:24
KingsyI njust wanted to check connectivity18:25
Kingsyso I usually use telnet18:25
fsmithredoh, ok18:25
Kingsyhmm mperhaps I should ask in #docker.18:26
KingsyI don't see why its not working.18:26
ErRandirKingsy: regading the audio device you asked a while ago, tools like alsmixer and amixer are used to manage those settings.18:47
av6Kingsy: i didn't specifically switch from pulse to pipewire on devuan, but i started using pipewire in addition to alsa on debian, and can say it's working fine19:38
av6you probably need to figure how to run it on user login/session start or something like that19:39
av6i'm not sure if installing pipewire on devuan will make sure it starts, i don't see /etc/init.d/pipewire19:39
av6i run it per user, and i simply added it to session autorun list in xfce settings19:40
systemdleteI'm getting locked out of an apache application (thruk).   I've checked the logs of apache and the application itself and I can see nothing that indicates what the source of this problem might be.   The thruk folks do not seem to have a solution.   The only solution for now is to restart apache.21:49
systemdleteI am wondering if this might be more collateral damage from our nemesis.   Apache could be impacted by modifications they have made to make sure it is systemd dependent and now pretty much ensures that it may not work on other, "unglorified" distros.  But perhaps I am being too cynical, idk.21:51
systemdleteHas anyone seen a similar problem with their apache applications, or can offer some ideas on resolving this?21:51
xisopare there any hints pointing at interference from systemd?22:12
systemdletexisop:  No, I don't see anything.   I may be on the wrong track about this.22:19
systemdleteBut it could be that some things it does don't get logged for fear of embarrassment of its creator before the entire world.22:20
used____What does ps say? Process status stopped? Can you trace it with gdb? Attach to process and see what it is stuck on?22:23
used____People with the hubris of the systemd creator do not know what embarassment is I guess.22:24
systemdleteI have restarted the apache server.  But next time it happens, I will check ps (good idea-- +1!)22:26
used____systemdlete: look into pidstat and other tools too.22:41

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